Youth Action for Peace
Have you ever thought about what you want to be when you grow up? You assume you will grow up. If the use of nuclear weapons continues, the idea of future may not be something we worry about. That's where our group comes in; YAP, Youth Action for Peace. Our goal is to raise awareness of nuclear weapons and landmines and to work towards global disarmament and peace.
There were approximately 21 235 nuclear weapons active in 1996 and 15 000 more nuclear weapons in storage (Project Ploughshares, Green Peace, and S.I.P.R.I.). We realize most students don't indulge in thoughts of nuclear weapons. But it is important one understands the affects of nuclear warfare on our society today. Somewhere else in the world a student just like you no longer has a leg. She will never be able to run. Her town is not equipped with handicap services. She is a burden to all those she knows. She will never reach her full potential because somebody else made a mistake.
Perhaps nuclear weapons will never directly affect you. You will never see love ones die, your world torn apart. But I know I cannot continue to be part of a country which allows this to happen. Save someone else and ultimately save yourself. Urge your MP or PM Chretien to support peace and the disarmament of a nuclear weapons. 93% of Canadians want Canada to negotiate an agreement to abolish nuclear weapons and 92% want Canada to take a leadership role (Globe and Mail, March 29/98). You can make a difference. Let's create a world in which we're proud to live in. Support the abolishment of nuclear weapons. If you are intrested in joining YAP please email us at yapeace@canada.com. This web page will deal with major peace issues that affect Canadian youth and the rest of the world. It will also entail an easy to follow guide explaining what you can do to help. Your voice makes a difference. " Extinction of humanity or the abolition of nuclear weapons? Humanity cannot escape the question, which illuminates the supreme moral issue of our time" (Douglas Roche, former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament).
Human Rights Protection in Canada

Learn more about Nuclear Weapons