

Play the Christmas midi jukebox
While you're here! Songs will play
only once and press change to hear another.

The jukebox will follow you around
from page to page, so click away
and listen to them all!

Send a LetterSend a PostcardRead Santa's Letters
Christmas JokesChristmas Survey
Christmas song ParodiesEmail Us

Welcome Everybody !

As you can see from our site map above, we've got plenty here for you to do.  We hope you'll take the time to write a letter to Santa and see how our crazy elf responds.  Unfortunately, we have no control over what he says since he tends to get a little "cranky" this time of year, but we guarantee it'll be fun ! 
Got a bad case of the Christmas "blahs" ... no problem, Guardgirl compiled a list of her favorite holiday jokes and Christmas song parodies to make ya laugh away the blues.  We've also created a one stop Free Cyber Christmas Postcard section to help you send all of your holiday cards along with the most popular Christmas tunes. 
Lastly, don't forget to visit the North Pole Sweatshop Message Board and see what the pressgang have to say about being stuck making toys for the holidays.  We're sure they'll appreciate any post you care to leave too, so don't forget to bookmark this site and visit often and tell all of your friends about us too.  Finally, we also prepared a Christmas survey, which we hope you'll find entertaining so don't leave until you filled it out !

Your hostesses



Concept and Ideas by Guardgirl
HTML & Graphics by Upsydasy
All Rights Reserved

Message Board
and Guestbook
from Bravenet

All midis from Jack's Shack