Frank's Page on GeoCities

Welcome to my page. Frank

Site updated Summer, 2004

This site primarily offers a few galleries of vintage photos from the 70's. Please check out the galleries at the links below. The first link is of more recent photos.
As always, if all the photos do not appear on the first try, please hit "refresh"

Parkway photo page   Photos taken along the Blue Ridge Parkway west of Asheville, NC., around Thanksgiving, 1999. Photos taken by a friend (see credit)

Photos from the mid-70's:.......

All photos below were taken by me, please send an e-mail if you plan to use them elsewhere. I chose these images for the period of time they were taken rather than the pixel detail.

Travels in Mexico 1975-76    Mexico Photo Page

Photos from California and the West 1975-76      70's Photos of the West

Black & White photos from Boston during the Blizzard of '78      Blizzard of '78

Black & White photos from Boston 1977-78 - this is part of my "art" photo collection
from when I was studying photography and doing darkroom work (49 photos)      Boston Art Photos

More photos from Boston 1977-78 - this is part III of the above collection - (36 photos)     More Boston Photos

Photos from New York, 1979 - (42 photos) -these are also in black & white, and focus mainly on the Greenwich Village area, with other locations as well, you can see the period they were taken in by the cars, and the now-demolished West Side Highway.      New York Photos

Please be patient, a few of these take a while to load.

For a much larger gallery of more recent photos, please visit my Angelfire site:

Frank's Photography Site

My current main page is located on Bravenet, containing a bio and many interesting, unusual and alternative links.
Please visit it by clicking on the following link:

Frank's Page

Click here to send me e-mail:

E-mail Link

Again, thanks for stopping by and check back soon!