Read all about my Spirit Totem here!
Well hello there ;> My name is Tigra 8) I was born in the year of the dragon < 1976 >, I love tigers with an immense passion, and also love purple and green, doing crafty things and giving massages to cute guys *wink*
My sister finally had her baby! It's a *girl* < YAY! > 8) Tasia Noelle was born on Jan 13th 2005 at 3:29pm, weighing 6lbs, 1.5 ozs. I'm not being prejudiced when I say she is absolutely adorable!!! 8)
I would also like to say hi to all my friends who actually took the time to come and visit! 8) *hugs* Thanks guys 8) I love ya 8)
I am currently working at F&P Manufacturing, Inc., located in Tottenham, Ontario, and have been there since Oct 2001. 8) It's pretty good, for a factory ;>
Save the rainforest and the big cats!
Save the it's not a tiger.. deal 8)
I am also a member of the Yahoo! savethewildcats club, and the beautiful tigers club, as well as a few others.. 8)
Other Links
Photographs - family, friends and my cat 8)
User Friendly - cartoon about an ISP
Mash Bats.. maple and ash baseball bats!
Page Written by Yvonne Hugli 10/3/97
My Crafts Site
Spy Vs World - A web comic of a friend of a friend 8)
Deaf World Web - humourous experiences
Last Jan 15th/ '05