Comanche Coyote

Comanche Coyote
    Hi, I'm Comanche Coyote. I am a married mother of 2 , and a Master Bead worker. I am the owner / operator of Coyote Majik ,my
Pow Wow business.
    I started bead working 4 years ago, while I was bed ridden with health problems.( probably saved my sanity) Although my health hasn't returned fully, I and my family still follow the southern pow wow trail, selling my jewelry and other Native American crafts . We also travel to pow wows outside our area, usually not as a vendor, but always a trader. You have something I may be interested in , lets talk ...
   Most of my works as you can see are from other peoples patterns. I am currently working on a few of my own. Sadly a lot of my books and patterns I had made up were taken from our camper. As well as many of my beads. It is a hard, long road to get started again after suffering such a loss. I am trying to build my bead stock back up to make the many things I love to create. I cannot manufacture, as I am the only beader in the family.
    I am a half breed Comanche. No records to turn up. My fathers family hid the fact that they were indian. Until my grandmother was on her death bed, she told me to find my roots so I could be happy. I have and I am now.
    As for my mother's side, I am still searching. Although, there are no birth records there either. Makes it hard, too many full bloods call us wannabes. I am not a wannabe, just a creative halfbreed.
    Please browse thru my pages, and leave a note for me. It is greatly appreciated.
    Also check out my husband's site a the bottom of my page. He has a lot of swamp pictures there. He is my Mountain Man in the swamps.

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