littlespud wonders

About Every Living Thing : Including You

Hi I'm littlespud.
Thanks for stopping by. If I tell you about me, will you tell me about you? I am married to a wonderful man. I have a stepson (26 years old) & three sons (14, 11, & 11 years old). I have gone around the sun 42 times :o)
My interests are: puzzles, growing & exploring nature & things,sewing & crafts; reading romance & mystery novels; almost all card games (get me playing bridge & I can play all night!!!)


I have found a new online game that I am addicted to. I have started a few info sheets about it, if you play runescape you may find them helpful




  • hot plate 2 quart sauce pan
  • Spoon
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • food coloring
  • scented oil 4 drops
Procedure: In pan combine dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients. Stir or mix ingredients. cook, stirring constantly, until mixture leaves side of pan. Cool. knead. Store in covered bowl or plastic bag.

Personal Note: I don't put the food color in until it is time to knead it. I divide the play dough into 4 or 5 parts. Then when it is cool enough to knead , I let the kids do it. That is one play time. Making the whitish dough change colors. It also helped teach my kids that red & white make pink,,etc...

Email me at Come back periodically & see how I am learning (ha-ha)..I still have no idea what an URL is. Guess what I have found out that an url is universal resource locator. See, I learn something new everyday :o)

My family & friends :

You are the to visit me thx

Places I like on the net :

Smile it makes the world a nicer place

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