Scotland / England / Amsterdam
Castlerigg Stone Circle
Keswick, Cumbria, England
While this travel log will be in chronological order from here on out, I wanted to entice you with sneak peek of one of the many highlights of our trip: Castlerigg Stone Circle. It dates from around 3000 B.C., making it only five hundred years "newer" than Stonehenge. Located in the Lake District, this circle is a delight to visit as it is hidden away on a small country road and free to all visitors. Simply let yourself into the gated area; be sure to close the gate behind you, or the flocks of sheep, which are ubiquitous here, will escape. That's right; the circle is surrounded by these sheep, bleating as you wander amongst the circle, caressing the cool, prehistoric stones and wondering what magical rites might have taken place in the very spot you are standing.