It's just past twilight.
Shadows fall below,
The mighty oak,
In the moonlights glow.

She lights the grove,
with silvery beams.
With glow worms and night birds.
It's magick it seems.

Moonshadows! Moonshadows everywhere,
Magickal Images, on the ground.
The stillness of the night. Lost in your mind,
With nary a sound.

Moonshadows, Images of life,
Removes the days worry and strife.
On Mother Earth's breast,
The shadows play.

Just to greet, a brand new day!
Its me "Ron"

© copyright 1999

Harm none along your journey

Crystal Balls Crystal Balls for sale
Visit the page of The Moonshadow
For those with a loving Soul
God Bless America
For those who have met on line
Some pictures of Fall Vacation 2001
Some pictures of Mexican Vacation 2002
Visit my wife's Page
Check out some rocks we Collected
Animated Graphics
Just Graphics

Artwork by Silver RavenWolf
From her book titled "To Stir A Magick Cauldron"


December 21, 2008

The celebration of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.
It is the celebration rebirth of the Sun, which is the promise of spring and life even on this the darkest day..

The burning of the log
is to give the Sun strength


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Don't forget to feed the birds !

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