<BGSOUND SRC="/eternal_empress/Mornrain.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to my personal information page.  This section reveals who I am in many ways.  Features in this section include:

Peronsal Photos of Myself

A Brief HIstory

Likes and Dislikes

Contact Information

My Diary

and much more....

I hope that you this will allow you to get to know who I am a little better.  and Please, if you have any suggestions for the page, please send me an e-mail. 
Phenomenal Young Women Of The Web
Page Created by Theresa
Updated on June 28th 2002
I Am A Proud Member Of:
I Am a Witch 
In deepest night, in forest deep,
In broad daylight, awake, asleep.
I am a Witch at every hour,
Touching magick, wielding power.

I am God/dess, Neverborn;
I wear the crescent, wear the horn.
I cast the circle, raise the cone,
And pour the wine when power's flown.

"An ye harm none, do as ye will"
Heal always, never kill
Work your will but Earth revere,
And every creature living here.

Celebrate as the Wheel turns,
Dance and leap as bale fire burns.
Sing to Goddess, Moon times three,
Drink to God, stag-horned he.

Soar upon the astral planes,
Visit woodland fairy fanes,
Swim with dolphins in the sea,
Say to all things, "I am Thee".

Live in peace with cowan folk,
Touch with magick, give them hope;
Live with kindness, die with peace,
In Summerland to find surcease.

-Lady Galadriel,
A New Wiccan Book of the Law
Moonstone publications, 1992.
The clouds above head have cleared at last, and the moon slants downward from the skies above.
The path is shown to guide your way. 
No longer must you struggle.
No longer must you stumble.
The stars shine bight, on the winding road.
No burdens to carry, like a heavy load.
Only destiny that calls your name.
Like whispered words, of a secret game.
On the path you see lies the lady fair.
Enchanted maiden, with a loving stare.
And as you reach her you will know.
The path, the destiny that you must go.
But only when you travel far.
To reach that place, and touch that star.
Is when you'll finally come to see.
Your fate, your truth, your destiny.

-©Theresa Wagner
To The Reader:

You have stepped upon the path, and it stretches for many miles.  Down the weathered road the specks of light danced across the ground filtering through the trees above.  You walk and grow weary and go astray from the path in search of a quiet, isolated place to sit, but what do you find?  A book sitting atop a stump in the middle of the wood.  Flipping through the contents of it's pages you stumble through the journey and life of another whom you've never met before, you have now begun to look through the eyes of another...
.::[Mirror Mirror On The Wall]::.

[About the Webmistress]

[Likes, Dislikes]

Contact information]::.


[Recent News]
.::[The Moon Dancer]::.

The Poetry Corner]::.

[A Love Story]

[Art Gallery]

[Song Lyrics]
Here are some of my personal enjoyments, writing, and drawing.  I have always enjoyed creating things, whether it is poetry, art, or a lyric to a song.  This area will consist of:

Short Stories





and more to come...

Enjoy the writings that I have composed, and please remember these are my original works, and appreciate your cooperation in not taking credit for any of these written works.
.::[Special Thanks]::.

Wolf Gallery]::.

Online Friends]::.

[Tiger Gallery]

[Dragon Gallery]

This is section contains various material.  Ranging from Picture Galleries to pages Dedicated to a few special people in my life.  These pages here contain a lot of pictures either of my favorite animals, or my family, or simple random pictures that I find on the net and just have to share.  I hope you like the images you find here.

Pictures Include:


Family Pictures




and much more....
.::[Ashara Shadow Walker]::.

[Tedyra Sukiyo]

[Rosae Silverhair]
I am a very avid roleplayer, creating characters and playing them out as if they were part of an intricate web of stories.  This is a section for all my chracter profiles, histories among other things..ranging from Gaia, to Yahoo to IRC characters. 

Other things you'll see:

Pictures of Characters


In character Family pages

and other things...
Here are a few miscellaneous links that I find interesting and fun, and some  are the sites I frequent on the web and have met some really wonderful people from.  If you get bored and want to browse feel free to click on any of these links.


[Mya Tala's Page]::.
