A photo site for Adenium ailments, solutions and discussions on the subject. Submit photographs to AdeniumMM@aol.com (at the bottom of the page) for upload onto this site. Also include some information about this problem. To participate in these discussions, please subscribe to Adenium-Links@Onelist.com (see below for link). This site will be updated frequently so check back often. Following the discussions in the Adenium-Links chat will help provide solutions and recommendations for these problems.

Yellowing Wilt Disease

The stems become brown, water-logged with a bacterial rot occuring in the stem from the tip downwards. Leaves, flower cluster and sometimes new shoots are destroyed.

Bud Drop

This disease ocurs only on the buds and flowers with no effects to the plant or foliage. This disease is usually associated with a fungus or also from chemical damage (i.e. Miracle Grow poisoning)

This disease is usualy associated with poor drainage or irregular watering schedules. Usually plants of this nature tend to be fatal.

Dry Rot

This disease occurs to plants with poor ventilation or are in a media which doesn't dry out completely. Change your mix to a more porous one or add extra drain holes.

Scale insect

Scales are usually preent on the undersides of the leaves. Use a good systemic insecticide like Orthene WP, Marathon, etc. as directed on label.

Lepidopteran Larvae

Caterpillars of the sphinx moth tribes (which are chief pollinators of this plant) usually lay their eggs and rear their larvae on the adenium foliages. Use a carbaryl insecticide such as Sevin for best control and preventative measures. Or jus hand pick them. Caution, they are as poisonous as the plant they feed on, sotake caution when handling them.

Close-up of Sphinx moth larvae

This is due to sunburn of the stem tissues.
Avoid high mid day sun intensities. Keep leafless plants in the shade of other leafy adeniums or under a shade protection of a shade house.

This is a special clone of adenium from John Lucas. The leaves are variegated with white, cream and maroon.


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E-mail me at AdeniumMM@aol.com in the meantime.
More pictures and information to follow.

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