Picture: Keijo Luoto

Welcome! This is a trial version of my frontpage.

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Above you can no more see some pictures from Russian Carelian forests where I was in the summer 1998 with a forest research group. Now you'll see more pictures in my other web pages.

I'll also put here pictures from the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, especially from the Estonian archipelago.
Here I had the first ten pictures from Saaremaa, but, of course, the applet doesn't function any more ;-)

One of my favourite places is the Finnish archipelago. Surely you'll see some pictures. But not only pictures, I also tell something about the old cultural landscapes and their biological diversity.

You were visitor number 1 038 798 since May 10, 1999

To see all I promised and much more visit my Finnish pages (which surely are always under construction!). Some of my pages have also English texts ;o)