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The Garden of Eden
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Author's Note, 1971
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For the newest and most phenOMenal cyber-version of Zentences!
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probably [as of early 1999] the first NON-linear, exponential
and NON-Aristotelian
you have ever had
in your hands, under your mouse
or, especiALLY, "in" your BIOcyberNETicircuiTRY.
because Zentences! may undermind the credibility
of linear semantics while reprogramming you for speciesurvivalinguistics.
Zentences! is to movable type as movable type has been to the quill pen!
L. E. A. R. N. -- Let's Erase And Reprogram Now!
Headquarters Intergalactic Psychic Police (HIPP)
 frOM Sol's seventheaven planet, Uranus

H E R E   is  o n e  NOUN - verb&nbbsp; combination  of  a  possible
32,400  in  Zentences! by les ego
N O U N S . . . .


                                                   . . . . .  v e r b s hiding in my mirror.
C=N squared!  180 x 180 = 32,400
What "truth" might the other 31,399  "tell" us?

Click on the NOUN INDEX to activate Zentences!
(c) 1999 les ego
all material property of les ego. Any reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited
To Order your 240-page s(ubterranean)edition of  LIFE with les(s) ego, send $27.50 (book-rate postage included) as a free-will donation to SOS/Purple Press, PO Box U, Hewitt, NJ 07421. 

This 2001 RAREdition of  LIFE with les(s) ego "zencludes" an even more RAREdition of  Zentences!, a NON-linear (exponential) book first published in 1967-68 in New South Wales, Australia, and similar in its "Dutch-door" format to the 1999 and 2000 editions accessable on/via this website. 

One-fourth of your voluntary contribution will be donated to the Strengthen Our Sisters (SOS) Shelter for homeless/battered women and children, ond three-fourths will support Purple Press projects. 

You will find that  LIFE with les(s) ego qualifies as the definitive, in-depth journal-story of the 1975-85 creation of The Garden of Eden by Adam "living-legend" Purple (a.k.a. "RapidEVolutionary les ego") in New York City's Lower East Side and of its egregious vandalization in 1985-86 by New York City, New York State, and United $tates govERRnme(a)nts. 

Do not bother looking for THIStory in "The [DISinformational] kNew York Times"! 

The Garden of Eden
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zend an email to les ego
 "Squared" Yin-yang
2x2=4, frOM ancient
Chinese Tai-chi symbol
copyrighted by rev les ego
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