I can do everything through him who gives me
strength - Philippians 4:13
Cyber Space
Welcome to my Home Page!
Karibu to my cyber-space.
My name is Edward Mungai Njai. I’m a student at Sacred Heart University
located in Fairfield Connecticut USA. I’m originally from Ongata
Rongai back in beautiful Kenya. I managed to come up with this web
page after I realized that I can make one. I hope that in the long
run that it will make sense. If it doesn’t, DO NOT be scared. Be
cool because everything is under control(I think). On the other
hand, if you decide to stay, be my guest and enjoy yourself. And
as we say in Kenya, FEELANGA FREE. On the left are a couple
of links which will direct you to other places of interests.
For those, who have been here before, I have tried
to come up with a new look and so far this is what I have come up
with. I hope you like it.
Once again I say KARIBU and ASANTE SANA.
further information, suggestions or comments, please contact me
at the following address njaie@sacredheart.edu