Welcome to the website for the Coven of the Vampyre. we are the only operating coven of our type in the world. many websites have proclaimed themselves to be vampyric religions, and some even claim to be the only 'true' vampyre religions that exist.

they are wrong.

We, as the remaining few who carry on this religious tradition, do not hold any disbelief or grudges towards these other religions. we do not doubt their validity, nor do we think they are 'inferior' to us. If the members have acquired the vampyric essence, then they are as much vampyres as we are. We may have different rituals, and views, but we share the same blood. and the lust for it. below are links to the other various pages on our website. this page is NOT a joke, and we are all very serious about our faith. as you read what is on them, please do so with an open, un-judging mind, and soul.


what we do

I am still working on how to operate this html stuff, so if anybody has any questions, or constructive criticism, or just any questions in general, mail to: