Froggie's Haven



This page make cause loss of SANITY, BRAIN CELLS, and yes even HAIR. Please be CAREFUL and do NOT pull out your HAIR. Therefor it is NOT my responsibility for the loss of ANY/ALL of the above that you may lose. REMEMBER you have been WARNED.


My Name is Chris Rozelle, and Welcome to my page...I am a 18 year old male from Johnson City, New York...I am a Frog Freak, 6'4(about), Blonde hair, Blue eyes,and not more than 145 pounds...I am a artist...I like COFFEE, and just hanging around with my

friends and getting into trouble...I work at McDonald's as a Manager...I have recently graduated from Johnson City High School...I am really going to miss that place...I mean where else can I hang out with all my friends at one time...Check out my best friends Paul's homepage...If you would like to add me to your ICQ list my ICQ # is 22559049...My AOL Instant Messanger screen name is DevilsFrog...I hope to hear from you...


Monique & Paul's Page


The lil Princess

Diva Robbie




Intergalactic Hussy©



I am working very hard and I am having troubles with any relationships I am in or have been in...I am trying to work out all of my problems and I cant seem to find the answers...But since this is not a page about my problems I will quit talking about them...

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-- °F®øG Ë. RÏßßÏt§°


Thank you for taking the time to visit my page...I love E-Mail or you can contact me on ICQ...I hope you enjoyed my page as much as I did making it...If I have forgot anyone please E-Mail me, and I will put you on my list...Come back and visit anytime...

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