Hi there and welcome to our website.
It will deal mainly with lighthouses that we have visited around the Great Lakes region, especially Michigan.
My wife, Jean, and I started making weekend trips up and down the coastlines of Michigan 2 years ago. We had talked about the trip for a long time and once we made our first trip, we were hooked for good.
We then started going every other weekend and have gathered quite a collection of pictures of almost all of them. Was very surprised to find out just how many lights there are in the Great Lakes area, not to mention Michigan alone.
On the following pages you will find what I think are some of my better pictures.
Jeans' favorite lightouse is either Little Sable Point, up by Silver Lake, or Whitefish Point, in the Upper Peninsula. But then, she changes her mind quite frequently.
I would have to say that my favorite light in Michigan is Tawas Point, on the Lake Huron side, Point Betsie, on the Lake Michigan side, and Point Iroquois in the U.P., maybe Whitefish. It is just so hard to choose a favorite, as they all are special in their own way.

I will be updating this page from time to time. Please stop by often for updates.

I want to put in a very special Thank You to the A.D.H. page on Bruce's Web Tv help page. None of this, especially with the pictures, could have been done without the many hours of hard, determined, self-sacrificing work put in by their service. If you need help, especially for your webtv problems, write to Bruce.

Also to Jean for her help, patience and understanding.

Jean has done so much on this page to make improvements and additions to what was originally started by the help of the members of the A.D.H. page. The webrings and awards and other stuff she has added just increases the debt of gratitude I owe her more and more.

I hope you enjoy the lighthouse pics and also a few of Fiesty,our loveable ferret.

New to this page are also pics and stories that will be added about the newcomer Dakota and his quest to hide every shoe in the house, Keep coming back for more pics and stuff

Please visit theCrisp Point Light Historical Society web page. Help keep the lights burning.

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