*Uncle Ben Goes Virtual*

A Wee Bit o' Information About Me (Just to start you out)

I was a senior Biology major at Syracuse University, but I graduated with my BA in August 1998 instead of May '97. It's a sordid story for another time, but God works in mysterious ways.

I'm 28 years old and not as busy as I'd like to be. We moved to Toronto in August 2003 so that Di could take a position as a Psychology professor at Tyndale University College and Seminary. Let's just say that it's a start. I haven't as yet been able to find work, other than some part time contracting work, which tends to be a little frustrating. There is a bonus to being at home though. I get to spend most of my days with the biggest news to come through the Rice family lately...Grant. This magnificent specimen was born March 13, 2003 (Yeah, he's over a year old now) and is really cool to hang out with. Although it would be nice to chat with someone who says things other than "da" dog, "ki" cat, "da da da da da da da" daddy, "ma ma ma" mummy, and "WWWWWAAAAAHHHH!!!" I'll let you translate. We are now members of the Living Hope RP Church here in Toronto which has been a great blessing to us. Probably the only thing that's kept us sane in our time here. We're involved in several projects with this church including putting together a supplement to our current Psalmbook with music that is a little easier for multicultural people who haven't grown up with exclusive acapella Psalmody. In the rest of my spare time, I also like to go mountain biking, roller bleeding...oops, that's roller blading,skiing (Both downhill and cross-country), hanging out with my friends, going to movies, reading and basically having fun. Basically you could say I'm an all-around type o' guy.

I've spent some time playing around with Adobe Photoshop, some of my 'doctored' pics are here for your perusal.

Arevaderche...(No I can't spell it, but if you can do any better or if you just want to get in touch...email me)

I've got a bunch of links for you to check out here

Introducing-In his debut performance- GRANT (hold the applause, just throw money)

Here are pictures of me and my many and sundry friends doing whatever it is we do best.

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last updated March 1, 2003