The Southern Band Tuscarora has their seal made of wampum beads. The skarorehaka-hemp gatherers are in the west, the kuatenuhwaka-people of the pines in the south, the akwahteka-people of the water in the east and the Gustoweh is in the north. The fire of their Nation burns in the center of the Longhouse. The Southern Band Tuscarora does not fly the Haudenosaune banner. Nor do they adhere to the Digahnahweda-Great Peace Law of the Six Nations.

The Seal of the Southern Tuscarora Band Indian Tribe is Copyrighted and Trademarked to the Southern Band Tuscarora Indian Tribe, any use is prohibited without written permission of Grand Council.

The Southern Band Tuscarora Indian Tribe abides by the 1715 NC Act of General Assembly, in which all lands belonging to Native Americans be protected from encroachment by law. All Native Americans be given equal rights and protection by law. Exemption from all taxes unless imposed by his/her own Nation, Band or Tribe. US Constitution Art. 6, Sect. 11, and Amendment XIV, Sect. 11. Exempt from Draft Laws of the US and Canada. Unrestricted freedom to travel the Americas - Jay Treaty of 1794 Article 3. Hunting and Fishing Rights. Protection under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act. Report 95 - 341.

Our reservation is located within the original boundaries of Indian Woods - we were in downtown Windsor until September of 1999 when Hurricane Floyd came through and destroyed everything. We will in time rebuild our Longhouse and Museum and Office on our reservation land. For now the office has been relocated and can be contacted by writing to the address given below or send an email. Please go to "CAN YOU HELP?"

832 US 13N
Windsor, NC. 27983
Phone 252-794-1858


While we are of the same peoples as The Six Nations - we maintain our separate identity, and are governed by our Head Sachem, Edward Livingston and six Council Members, consisting of Three female Clanmothers and Three Clan Chiefs. The Head Sachem is the tie breaker in case there is a tie vote in Council decisions. We are governed by by-laws - and most members maintain the Traditional customs and beliefs of the Tuscarora. Our membership is 180 plus strong, and while some of our members are in other states, ALL of our grandparents were the Tuscarora who have always resided in the territories of NC/VA Our first Chief, Joseph General Jack Cotton of the Southern Band Tuscarora, was one of the elders who brought the Tuscarora back together after the fall of the Tuscarora Confederacy, over 270 years ago and his wife, the Clan Grandmother of the Bear Clan, Rita Rising Sun Cotton have gone down in the history of the Tribe as the reuniting force of the Southern Band Tuscarora The Southern Band Tuscarora Indian Tribe has regained the Clans of Bear, Mud Turtle, Wolf, Snipe, Deer, Sand Turtle and Eel..






Grand Council

Turtle Calender

Tuscarora Rebellion - 1717

Tuscarora Confederacy History

Neherooka Fort Battle Site Map

Historic Maps of Tuscarora Villages

Bertie Reservation Map of 1748

New Message Forum (replaces the discontinued Query Board)

Other Native American Links

Tribe Member Pictures

Trading Post
Unavailable At Present 9/27/01

Our Members' Webpages

Longhouse Announcements
Last Updated September 25, 2003

Longhouse Announcements Archives

Can You Help??

Death Songs For Those Who Have Passed Over

Genealogy Agreement
Marilyn Mejorado-Livingston has provided a printable agreement for you to send in your genealogy requests, along with a fee. Due to instances where people have requested hours of work and many copies but then did not pay Mrs. Livingston has had to impose this deposit. ***UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THERE WILL BE NO GENEALOGY RESEARCH - AS SOON AS IT IS AVAILABLE ONCE MORE IT WILL BE POSTED HERE*** 5/01/03

Non-Members of Southern Band Tuscarora Indian Tribe
Updated May 7, 2003


We hope you'll enjoy your tour of our Cyber Longhouse -

*Our Tribal History is referenced in " Onkwehonweh - The First People"

Written by Marilyn Mejorado-Livingston 1997

Hit Counter

***Since so many of the women and children in our Peoples' history had been stolen and sold as slaves, we need to do all we can to help reunite children with their familes ~Please see if you can help~ ***

* A Special Thank You from the Webmistress to Doug Northrup for finally enabling me to get the Seal to view - Thank You Doug and hope all is well in Texas

Please direct any problems with this page to the Webmistress

Last Updated on July 27, 2003 by Pam Miller Thomas