Hello there! I’m glad you stopped by. For most of you visiting this site, you already know me, for the few who don’t here is a quick bio: My name is Maria. I am 29. I was born in the Philippines. I am what you might call a Unity child, my father being of African descent and my mother Asian. I grew up as a Military brat, traveling and living all over the world. I believe this experience of learning other cultures and having such wonderful parents, molded me into the person I am today. I now reside in Alaska with my soul mate of nearly 13 years. I am Administrative for a State Office that helps to prevent injuries in children and adults (Those are some heavy issues). I also dabble in the Catering/party planning business, it’s not making me rich with money, but I'm happy. I love and live by my heart and mind. A few of my hobbies can be seen by clicking on the links below, I also enjoy writing, poetry, music, dancing, making arts and crafty things and playing pool (whenever some one would be willing to play with me ...I have been told I looked awkward when I play. I think this maybe a bit more information needed, I hope I didn’t bore you. Anyways, I developed this site for the love of Family, Friends, Life, and Myself. Feel free to browse through and I hope you find things that will interest you.~Paintings~ artwork by ~Maria~~Photography~by ~Maria~~Northern House Expressions~ ~To a healthy way of life~ Wanna Play? I'll see ya there! Visit Alaska
"Sometimes it's wiser to be right in silence" (Smiles)
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