Welcome to all
is written..."Do what thou wilt but Harm Ye
None, Perfect Love, Perfect Trust" This is
the Wiccan Law
Act of Justice closes the book on a misdeed, but
an Act of Vengeance writes one of it's own....
" This is my Law
can be a Warrior and a Pagan........
have found that I can live with both. My name is Kindred Wolf's Head and I live in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. I have been interested in heraldry and SCA my whole life. I can use any edged weapon from dagger to throwing axe and swords of all nations and periods. I love period dress, music and
food. I have always seen the days prior to the invention of the
crossbow as a time of deeds and chivalry and fighting the good fight
against what is wrong. This included helping all, ask for nothing in
return but to pass it on and be there with a strong back or perhaps
just to listen to them vent about the things that have troubled their
thoughts. I have worn many hats but the one I wear the most is that
of a private investigator off and on for 30 years. I have created
many variations of a coat of arms since my last name is the only one
and I share it with none. I did make one for my SCA name and it turned out quite nice with a little help from the Killraven Family in North Bay. It would be nice to see a day of blades and chivalry...less collateral damage and the non-combatants can remain safe as armies clash in their infinite lack of wisdom and diplomacy with only greed to guide them. I say, pull up a stool at the pig-roast, cut a slab for some fresh bread, grab a mug of ale and lets
discuss it....:)Love everyone, be gentle and empathetic to all and help all those who come to you for help....even enemies. We are here by the grace of the Goddess and by her hand we are chosen to love all her children...from the animals to the oceans to the forests. I walk in peace and love but to Forgive and Forget? Not a chance...... I feel comforted by the knowledge that I can protect those who are dear to me and myself. If I could rationalize on this way of living I would have to define myself as a Pagan Templar. All my life I have found there is a fine balance between being a warrior and being a mage. I have been both hunted and hunter and feel that if you live a pure existence helping others, the line is there for them to cross but never you. This is an important line so be aware of it. You can still help all those around and "be there" as a volunteer for all.......don't let the few animals that are out there to screw up your day and make you a victim have a chance.......help people.....love people and keep your sword arm free.....:) The "harm ye none" part was always referred to as the soul or spirit, so being a warrior on the physical plane and not harming them on any other plane was sanctioned............I am looking forward to summer and all it has to offer.
my word.............................so mote it be