Vshn's Dreams of Native Love

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I have traveled life's highway
Full of twists and bends
Now my journey has come to an end
And now I am happy and free
For we were meant to be together
Our love as peaceful as the sea
Your love is so bright
Like lightening in the sky
It flows like a river
As it falls from up high
You fill my heart with joy and delight
As I lie next to you at night.
As I sit beneath the tall oak tree
I realize how much your love means to me
The grass is so soft
Like your gentle touch on my cheek
As you say the words "I Love You"
Close your eyes, open your heart
For no longer will we be apart
Remember the stolen moments we shared
All those feelings will always be there
No matter what problems we may encounter
Our love for each other shall never fall
For together we shall conquer all
"Us" written by Lane Cook aka Renegade

"A SPECIAL THANKS" =) "To My Special Freinds! Who Encouraged Me Throughout The Making of This Site"!!I LOVE YOU ALL!! =))

Cherokee Prayer Blessing....

May the warm winds of heaven Blow softly upon your house

May the Great Spirit Bless all who enters there.

May your mocassins Make happy tracks In many snow,

And may the rainbow Always touch your shoulder

This page last updated on 22 June 1999

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