![]() Humans came to Dathomir hundreds of years ago when a group of illegal arms manufacturers were exiled to the planet by the Jedi Knights. Several generations later, a rogue Jedi named Allya was also exiled to Dathomir. Allya began to teach the Force to the planet's inhabitants and to her descendants, who also learned to befriend the wild rancors. So began the Witches of Dathomir with Allya's Book of Law's
to guide them. The tome was added to over the years, most dangerously were
the 'shadow' or 'night' spells. Examples had been given in an effort to
warn those who would come after, but some grew greedy and ambition caused
them to practise the 'Shadow Spells' - this led to the exile of Witches
from their clan. The most ambitious of all was Gethzerion, who would become
the Leader of the Nightsisters.
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