Life As I Know it!
This is from Pumpkin Extravaganza at Brookfield zoo October 2003
Welcome to life as I know it! This  site has an assortmant of fun and interesting things in it.

I am finally working on some updates, so let me know what you think.

Hope you enjoy!

Table of Contents...
My Fabulous Felines page will introduce you to the wonderful animals (I like to think of them as furry children) that I live with!
MyFavourite Books page is exactly as it sounds, a list of some of the best books I've read.
My links page takes you to some of my favorite websites. I will update this page as I find websites I feel worthy of adding to it.
This leads you to my list of favorite books.
This leads you to my Links page.
Click here to see My Fabulous Felines Page!
In this section you will find a HUGE resource of Quotes, some are mine, most are not.  They are categorized by theme.  Have fun browsing and let me know what you think!
This will take you to photos
Here you will find various photos of friends, family, pets, and fun.