To The


The Idaho County Soil & Water Conservation District is a subdivision of State Government charged with the stewardship of the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources on Idaho's private land.  We are one of 51 Conservation Districts in Idaho, and together encompasses 99% of our state.

The SWCD was originally formed in the eastern part of the county, February 2, 1954 and included 25,000 acres of farmland along the Clearwater River.  In 1956, the Salmon River SCD was formed in the southwestern part of Idaho County and the Prairie SCD (mainly the Camas Prairie) was formed in 1961.  These three Districts merged into one SWCD in 1969 and is now known as the Idaho County Soil & Water Conservation District.

It is the goal of the Idaho County SWCD to set high standards for conservation of our natural resources within our District.  It is our hope that through knowledge and cooperation, all landowners, government agencies, private organizations and elected officials can ensure an adequate natural resource base for present and future generations in the Idaho County Soil & Water Conservation District.

After serving on the Idaho Distrtict Board for 9 years, and much of that time as Chairman; John Dahlquist has left us for greener pastures.  He and his wife, Kelly have accepted a job managing and Elk Ranch in Missouri.  We are going to miss John and we wish them well.

Serving as Officers for 2000 are
Chairman: Scott Wasem; Vice Chairman: Bob Rylaarsdam; Secretary: Leon Slichter; Treasurer: Peter Lane; Member: Mike Duclos; and John Fantini Associate Supervisor.

Katy Eimers, part-time District Employee, also left the District to work as the Information and Marketing Specialist for the Syringa General Hospital in Grangeville. We know Katy will do well in this new job.

Click on the links below to take you to other District related sites.

Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts

Red River Restoration Project

Idaho Soil Conservation Commission

Cooperative Extension Service

Idaho Department of Agriculture

The background for this page is courtesy of Echo's WebMagic

Graphics for this website were found at 24 HOUR GRAPHICS

If you have any comments or suggestions please e-mail us.