<BGSOUND SRC="/phiz41/userfiles:/user/8cricket.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
welcome to
El PequeñoYunque
The gallery of information you are entering contains items relating to many
Puerto Rican communities available througthout the World Wide Web. In the future this website will contain subjects you can interact with for your listening and viewing pleasure. The selections availalbe are just a click away from your finger tips. So pull-up a chair and make yourself comfortable. Enjoy!
Your host:
Philip Alexander Correa
Puerto Rican Novelties
Sport Collectilbles
Music Albums
Correa Genealogy
Family Album
The Correa History
Family Flamboyan
The Correa Directory
The Ancestal Chart
Multimedia Gallery
Animation Gallery
Art Gallery
Softimage Image
This site was created by Philip Correa
My special thanks goes out to Geocities and Christina for her support
Copyrights © 1999
Discover the Communities of Puerto Rico
with the Weparing of Puerto Rico
This Weparing is owned by Philip Correa
E-Mail at:correapac@hotmail.com