Merry Meet! Merry Part! And Merry Meet Again!

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Please enter in perfect love and perfect trust.


The Awakening

by Andrew Daws

Let me sing you a tale of magics of old, of powers that slumbered through long years untold. Let me weave you a song of a memory revived, calling the Old Ones, their time has arrived.

Bale fires are lighting through all of the land, the fey folk are dancing, their hour is at hand. Their music is heard in the chattering stream, their call echoes out on the wings of a dream.

Beyond the townships, where common folk sleep, in moors and in meadows, in forests so deep, Witches are gathering at the dark of the night, to dance and to worship, bathe in moonlight.

They've winded the horn, they have opened the door, the magics returning to slumber no more. By the spells they have woven, the runes the have told, they've awakened the Goddess, and the Horned One of old.

And those who have gathered now join hand in hand, their voices are chanting, throughout all the land. The God and the Goddess, at last will be heard, their children, the witches, are spreading the word.

They sing songs of power when the moon, she is high, They chant songs of joy when the sunrise is nigh, They dance through the meadows, and through darkened streets, join their ancient rhythm, when your circle meets,

Come dance to their rhythm, when your circle meets.

Who is RedRavenWolf?
A simple woman who came into the ways of the wise at a later time in her life. I am Mother, Daughter, Sister, Lover, Ecletic Witch, Kitchen Witch, Herbalist, Green Witch, Healer, Dragon Dancer, Reiki Practioner, and Shaman. I do not call myself Wicca but you will find Wicca information on this site as it co-insides with my beliefs. I do not belong to a coven, as I am a solitary practioner. This site was started as a tool to aid me as I learned and is developing far beyond my first imaginings. Now it has become a tool for others to learn who seek the knowledge that I can pass.
Blessed Be!

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This site is undergoing a major re-vamping cosmetically,
as well as having new information added on a regular basis.
It is also experiening the shifting of information into new catagories.
Please excuse the lack of conformity that you may come across in some areas.

I would like to thank ElfinaTree for the back ground music on this page.

My first Award!! Thank You Wolvesite!

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This site is maintained by RedRavenWolf
Last updated February 1o, 2006