dlamarf 's Home Page


Hi, I'm Dave, Marcie's husband.
If you would like to view some of her crafts,
(created using primarily recycled materials) then visit her homepage.
Signup: 08/01/98. Like most others:UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
My interests are:
ham radio, aircraft, wildlife, Ozark area, fishing and recycling.

Click for Ash Flat, Arkansas Forecast

This is an occasional visitor to our place in the Ozarks. He hung around long enough for me to get a few snaps of him. Still comes around from time to time and lays in the drive.Please excuse the "hot" pictures, I was about 6 feet away from the fox and it was after sunset. You won't see much of the foxes or racoons 'til then.

This is "Knobby Knee" and young friend. He was hit by an automobile, resulting in his knee cap relocating about 3 inches down his leg. I started occasionaly feeding squirrels and wild turkeys in my back yard after a heavy freeze hit. Knobby showed up and started bringing friends. Most deer in back yard was 14 at one time. With him is a very young orphan fawn. His visits continued thru Spring when the local pastures greened up.

For more of the Ozarks, Pick One.

[The Ozarks]

[Fishin, Holes]

[Rainbow Trout]

Links to other sites on the Web

Marcies Manor
Jeannies Pages
Aardvark Custom Harley's

© 1999 E-mail me here. dlfitzwater@centurytel.net

Please come back soon and visit me.

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My interests are:
Ham Radio, Fishing, Wildlife, Recycling, Conservation

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