Ya'ah'teeh, Welcome to my Homepage




I wander where my people dwell.
I wander there at the house of red earth and rocks.
I wander within the house made of long life.
I wander within the house made of beauty.
I wander along the path of long life and happiness.
I shall go on wandering the trail in beauty.

Sincerely, Growing Tree (Neez' Tsin).





Make beautifaul all that is before me.
Make beautiful all that is behind me.
Make beautiful my words.
It is done in beauty.




Dear Seeker: Within you is a spirit. your spirit is very strong and beautiful. Your spirit is very real. Some things people say are not real. Know yourself and all that power and beauty that is within You. For that is very real.




"It is surprising, surprising...yi ye! It is the very inner form of Earth that continues to move with me, That has risen with me, that indeed remains with me. Now it is the innerform of long life, of happiness... It is surprising !"




"I follow the lightning and head for the place where it strikes."
"I follow the rainbow and head for the place where it touches the earth."
"I follow the cloud's trail and head for the place where it is thickest."
"I follow the scent of the falling rain and head for the place where the lines of rain are darkest."




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