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State Institute for Applied Ecology (SIAE)

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State Institute for Applied Ecology (SIAE)
was organised in 1988. SIAE is the leading organisation of the State Committee on Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation. The Institute co-ordinates and participates in the scientific and applied projects, environmental management, conducts training and environmental education, supports governmental authorities with methodological and legislative advises.

Main activity directions

  • Environmental monitoring: strategy, methodology and legislative basis, scientific and methodical support for creating and development of the Unified state environmental monitoring system for the Russian Federation (USEMS).
  • Radio-ecological monitoring: development of strategy, methodology and normative basis of the Unified state system of radio-ecological situation control for the Russian Federation.
  • Ecological safety under emergency situations: development of ecological disasters criteria, analysis of ecological situations and decision support at natural and technogenic disasters.
  • Environmental standardisation: ecological rate setting, methodology for evaluation of human impact on environment and geosystems, environmental normative acts.
  • Environmental informatics: environmental information systems, databases of pollution sources, geographical information systems (GIS).
  • Waste management: information-analytical systems for waste management, state cadastr of storage places and landfills for radioactive waste.

Relevant experience

The Institute participates in the projects and research at national, regional as well as international scale: 

  • state federal programmes: Ecological safety of Russia, Unified state environmental monitoring system for the Russian Federation, Unified state system of radio-ecological situation control for the Russian Federation; 
  • regional projects: development of environmental monitoring system project for Volga river basin and Kurgan district (South Ural region); environmental impact assessment for Altai region; evaluation and forecasting of ecological status for regions, impacted by radioactive pollution; estimation of agricultural pollution in the Baltic sea region; system of environmental monitoring of landscapes impacted by rocket fuel in regions of rocket stages fall; waste management systems for the Moscow and Bryansk regions and etc. 
  • international projects: London Convention 1972 - Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter; Helsinki Convention 1992 - Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area; ADD - Arctic Database Directory; GAME - GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment; NOPEX - Northern Hemisphere Climate Processes Land-Surface Experiment, Framework for an Integrated Land-use Plan for Pripyat Area in Belarus. 

Public information activities

State Institute for Applied Ecology actively disseminate information for public, participates in the preparation process of the annual State of Environment reports. SIAE organises scientific and applied workshops, symposiums and conferences: All-Union conference "Complex monitoring and practice" (1991), conferences "Ecology and religion" (1995, 1996), All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Environmental monitoring: problems of creating and improvement of the Unified state environmental monitoring system for the Russian Federation" (1996). SIAE publishes the results of their activities in scientific journals, conference proceedings and books.

Qualified personnel of the Institute

The staff of the Institute consists of the highly qualified personnel and includes more than 30 PhD Doctors specialised in various fields, 10 PhD students. Every year the Institute hosts MSc students for the internship period from various educational institutes and universities.

Contact information

We are interested in intensification of our co-operation with different Russian and international organisation (governmental as well as non-governmental) in the field of environmental policy, management and scientific research. Especially we are looking for participation in applied environmental projects, for which we are able to offer knowledge, practical experience and skills of our experts. If you are interested in co-operation or would like to have additional information about our Institute or our activities, please do not hesitate to contact us by the following address:

State Institute for Applied Ecology (SIAE)
Pyatnitskaya Street 44, building 3, 109017 Moscow, Russia

tel.: +7-095-951-8900;  fax: +7-095-951-4896

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Last modified: 03.04.00