Home Page of Eric L.

Perched above the Chaos, is the place I call home.

Hi I'm Eric. Welcome to My home on the WWWeb.
Above is a picture of my cabin. I know it doesn't look like
much now, but give me few years. Then come back and take
another look. I'm in a rather isolated spot in southern Santa Clara
County which is in California. There's a couple miles of dirt road getting
up here and no power, phone, water or any other of the utilities that most people
take for granted. I do have my own power system. I do have a  Waterfall right outside
my front door.  I've just recently purchased a Sunmar composting toilet. I've got
two four-wheel drive trucks to get up here and a 4x4 ATV for local use. The
cabins small about 15' X 22'  inside but comfortable. I've pretty much
decided to tear down the cabin (or turn it into a work shed). It was
built by the previous owner in the early 80's,  foundation
and roof need allot of of work. That and it was left
abandoned before  it was even completed.
I've purchased Magna-Trac crawler/minidozer
so I can put in a road a bridge and clear some land
 (in that order).  (http://www.magnatrac.com/)  Check out my
Tractor page for details on how I put the tractor together in my parents
garage, and my new
Bridge page. I should probably also put in a theft page because I just (early june 2004) had someone come in here and steal just about everything I own! But it's too depressing to write about.


This page (like Myself and My Home) is under constant construction.
Email me and let me know what you think of my home page.
