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Many of the images herein have a larger and better quality version behind the thumbnail.

You may use the icons at the head and foot of these pages to navigate the site.
     Use this icon to navigate to an earlier page in the collection, it is not a BACK button, you can use your browser for that     
     This icon takes you through the pages where I show you an Antarctic year using photographs I took during my stay on Signy Island.     
     To return to this home page from anywhere on the site, just press this icon.     
     Microfauna Some fauna not presented on the Antarctic year pages, including some microscopic animals from the mosses.     
     If your interest is in the early exploration of the Antarctic, then this icon might help you find what you seek.     
     The right arrow will take you on a tour through my pages.     

There are three reasons why I embarked upon creating this set of Antarctic Pages:

:- (  I couldn't find Scott

During the creation of my Family History Home Pages I wanted to add a link in my TimeLine to Robert Falcon Scott's final expedition - but I failed to find one. The situation over the past 18 months has totally transformed. A search in any half decent search engine (try http://www.google.com) will produce numerous sites. One of the best I've seen is http://www.south-pole.com

:- (  The images on the BAS pages

The official pages for the British Antarctic Survey presented some absolutely appalling images for one of the most visually stunning parts of the earth. The quality had been deliberately nobbled to prevent unauthorised reuse. The situation has now improved and the image presented of Signy Island is much crisper, if you like looking at huts....

:- )  This is fun

Need I say more...

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