FNE and FC
An Aboriginal
Welcome to Archie R Phillips

I have worked in the mining business for seventeen years and I have a degree
in engineering from the University of Manitoba.
My partners and I have formed a company called First Nations Engineering and Financial Consultants (1998) Ltd.
The latest in technology, science, and the Web.

Design, Schools, Recreation Centers.- Civil Engineering

Using traditional native values and modern technology.-Environmental Engineering

Community Development, Feasibility Studies etc. -Financial Consultanting

Liaison work-Between mining companies and Native Bands
We do liaison work between mining co. and Native Bands
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Attending Native Gatherings
Attending Social Planning Meetings
Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
387 St Johns Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2W 1H5
(204) 582 3084
Email me!
Please be patient as this page is still under construction
I like to meet new people in the GeoCities chat rooms.

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