Welcome to Farid Ismail's homepage…

A lot of people asked how I got the home name "alet" (pronounced as --> arghh late). Well, actually I got the name when I was a kid. You see, "F" and "R" in Farid was quite difficult to pronounce at that time so every time I talk, I'd always call my name with a slight twist in the tongue. So "Farid" became "alet".


After a great long deal of time, I've finally got back in the mood to take some pics of my pride possession.

This is one of my many pride possessions. Go ahead and click on the picture


I was having half a mind to revamp my whole website since it's been too long but i've lost the softcopy and too lazy to make a new on so I've decided to just reuse the old one with some additions

My R/C Page
Me and a celebrity!!

There is a whole lot of stuffs that I like. You know, guys stuff, like bikes, cars, home theaters, cameras and all other expensive toys. Anyway, these are some of the toys I have

Some pics of me

Some pics I took

My Bike

My Camera

My R/C Boats

Cool dude stuffs..

100 reasons to be a guy

Rules guys wish girls knew

Which condom would you use?