Aqua Terra..


 Proudly Canadian



Welcome to Aqua Terra's Grand Trunk Trail link.  This page is an informational source for the Inventory and Assessment of Vascular Flora that was completed along the abandoned Grand Trunk Rail Line in St. Mary's, Ontario.  The inventory and assessment was commissioned by the Perth Stewardship Network in 1997.  To browse through the report click on the title page below. For complete and up to date information regarding the Grand Trunk Trail, connect to Stonetown's Grand Trunk Trail Pages
The Grand Trunk Trail Project Link to Stowntown's  Grand Trunk Trail Page
eneral information regarding rail trails in Ontario can be found at the  Ontario Rail Trails Link.  This link provides information on some of the best rail trails for bicycleing and hiking in Ontario.  The site provides information on individual trails and a location map.

Ontario Rail Trails Link


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Updated on  02/08/03


R. R. # 5
Mildmay, Ontario. 