Where the Wolves run free

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Extinction is Forever!

I was told that I should put some information on here as well as pictures of wolves. I wasn't going to because there are so many sites out there with wolf information, hybrid information, historical information.....
It seems that the wolf is one of the most popular animal totems around today. Is it because of the historical connection between man and wolf, as hunter, hunted, companion and nightmare? Or is it a deeply hidden desire of all mankind to have the freedom and raw power of the wolf? Indeed the wolf exibits all the traits that we, as human beings strive to accomplish, or at least profess to strive for. Courage, strength, agility, honor, unbridled spirit, all these attributes coupled with an incredible survival instinct as well as devotion to ones mate and offspring are goals that we are led to strive for from our earliest years through adult hood. These attributes are such that we could almost write them up as a job description for, say, President or Prime Minister, Cabinet Member, Teacher, Preacher, Mom, or Dad. Could the stories of the "evil wolf" arise not from the twisted nightmares of fiction writers, or the collective memory of a stalked medieval peasantry but out of a centuries long jealousy and anger that a "dumb" animal should so easily be all that we would want to be.

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