Overview of Marty's Letterboxing Page

Letterbox Descriptions and Clues

More Information on Letterboxing

Send E-Mail to Marty


WELCOME! This web page is designed to provide information regarding letterboxes placed by me. It, by no means, covers all of the letterboxes in the areas shown, so please visit the other sites listed in the "More Information" section to find out more.

Disclaimer & Waiver! Please Read!

PERSONS USING CLUES OR HUNTING LETTERBOXES DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. Do not hunt letterboxes without reading and agreeing to the waiver first. Children, do not hunt letterboxes without the supervision of an adult who has read and agreed to the waiver. Possession of clues does not imply rights of access to particular lands and route choices, or the safety thereof, including the location of letterboxes themselves. Always observe current local regulations, signs, property rights, and customs; you are responsible for your actions. Clues are not indended to be taken literally or to suggest route choices; route choices (and the choice to proceed at all), are your choice.

NOTE 1: Off-trail walking may be involved. There is very steep and rocky terrain in the area.

NOTE 2: Be wary of snakes and other wildlife when reaching into dark places. All bearings magnetic unless otherwise noted. A pace is a long stride counted on a footfall of either foot, i.e. two paces are counted each time the right foot hits the ground.

NOTE 3: Please replace all letterbox contents and re-hide the thing well were you found it.
