Welcome to all whom travel here; and may your stay be a pleasant one.

Wolf Song

As shadows darken across the land

And nightfall is creeping nigh,

I hear the waters whisper

And hear the treetops sigh -

In the distance, I hear the wolven song;

A lonely, eerie cry -

It echoes from the distance

As though his soul would die.

It haunts my soul with memories

Some ancient chord has stirred,

The memory of an ancient song

With neither rhyme nor word.

Awakening my soul once more

To answer something deeper -

My brother of the nightfall,

You are my spirit keeper.


One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand, and to be understood.


Wolven Prayer

Great Spirit, hear my calling;

For to you, I am a child-

I am still your great creation,

Tho born among the wild.

O, hear my call, Great Spirit,

That some day we may know peace -

And the hunting of my brothers

And hating them may cease.

That we may live as children

Of your spirit home,

And know the peaceful blessing

As in your lands we roam.

Great Spirit, my song echoes

Upon this quiet night,

And other voices carry

This song about our plight -

We know we are your children,

Tho man may not understand;

We seek only to live as you intend

Upon this sacred land.


Touch the earth, honor the earth;

Her plains, her valleys, her hills and her seas;

Rest your spirit in her solitary places.

Henry Beston

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