The TC Nature Photography Home Page: Birds, Bats, Bali and High-Speed

Birds, Bats, Flight, Photography, High-Speed, Stop-Action, Macro, Bali, Indonesia, Sierra Nevada

The TC Nature Photography Home Page

TC Nature is a photographic partnership featuring the technical and artistic talents of John Cooke and Tony Tilford.

English Robin in Flight TC Nature was formed to provide a vehicle for our photographic creativity. More specifically, it provides expression for our combined biological, engineering and photographic skills through the creation of beautiful and unusual images of the Natural World.

Because of our diverse interests and experiences - academia, teaching, engineering, graphic arts, film-making, photography, conservation, natural history, world travel and writing - we bring a wide array of skills to our photographic work.

Swallow We are perhaps best known for our bird photography, both in the wild and with cage & aviary birds, and for our advanced high-speed or stop-motion photography.
In addition, we also specialize in close-up or macro photography, particularly insect, flower and spider subjects.


Further Information on High-Speed Photography, including an extensive gallery of our stop-action images can be found on
The High-Speed (Stop-Action) Photography Resources Page.

We are actively involved in conservation, especially birds in Indonesia and bats in England.
Check out The Norfolk Bat Group and The Bali Starling.

Following our long association with Indonesia we are currently writing a photographic field guide to the birds of Java, Sumatra and Bali and a book on the role of birds in Balinese culture.

We also work closely with Hidden Worlds of Berkeley, California, providing birding tours in association with their Bali Beyond the Guidebooks travel program. Through this we actively support The Bali Children's Project, helping to provide educational opportunities to young people.

For further information on Indonesian birds we suggest you visit the Indonesian Nature Conservation Page.

For information on birding we suggest you visit Birding Hot Spots.

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Last Update: 09/02/98
Web Author: John Cooke
Copyright ©1998 by TC Nature - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED