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1% for Development Fund,


The 1% for Development Fund, Vienna, is an independent association of staff members and ex-staff members of the organizations of the UN system that are based here. It is entirely independent of the UN organizations themselves. The 1% Fund in Vienna was founded in 1985 and now has about 80 members. Members of the 1% Fund pledge to donate 1% of their salaries each month to support small scale development projects. There are similar 1% Funds in Geneva (founded in 1976), New York and Rome.

The 1% for Development Fund was inspired by the long standing target of the United Nations for the rich countries to transfer 1% of their income as aid to poor countries. Many of the staff working for organizations of the UN system feel that they would like to make a direct and personal contribution to development. If you do, then the 1% Fund is for you.

Since its inception in May 1985, the Vienna 1% for Development Fund has raised over US$744,000 and has supported 194 projects in 61 countries: 44 projects in Latin America, 52 in Asia and 98 in Africa (see the Projects list).

With more members, we could fund more good projects.

Why don't you join us?

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© Copyright 2008, 1% for Development Fund, Vienna Last Modified 2008-02-06