Hi, I'm Pete

I am from God's Country, Tropical North Queensland, Australia
Home of the Great Barrier Reef and XXXX Beer
I am a perpetual student of Biological Sciences and now Law
at James Cook University, Townsville.
I studied Marine Biology, Zoology and Environmental Law
and am undertaking post grad looking at Invertebrates in
Perennial Streams of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area
I love anything to do with the water, but it must be warm water
  My interests are: Scuba Diving, Sailing and Marine Biology.
Some Photo Galleries for a laugh,
and shots that I have taken
Some Pictures of Me
Hard at Work
My Favourite Friends in Life
Some of My Favourite Places in the World
My Favourite Web Sites
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
The Australian Institute of Marine Science
Cousteau Society
Oceania Project
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Email me at peterwulf@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.