Deep Thoughts
By Joseph Emmanuel

 Welcome to my page, I hope you will find something of interest here. The  primary purpose of my page is to provide links and discussion around Deep and Technical Diving. I will also include links to UnderWater Hockey sites , some Ecological places and ... well who knows..


WKPP - At Work
May-August 1998: Exploration of the Wakulla Springs and Leon Sinks systems Florida USA

Although I'm still building, here are some links Deep Divers might like;

I'm a CMAS 2* instructor and deep diver, and belong to The University of the Witwatersrand Underwater Club.(Wits)

I belong to a team of cave divers led by Nuno Gomes who currently holds the world record for deep scuba in a cave.Click Here For The Full Story

If your into deep/tech diving, some interesting sites are TechDiver and Eric's Rebreather page

For Your Own Safety.
Potential Deep Divers...Please Keep in mind when thinking of deep or dark dives.
Having recently lost a fellow instructor to a deep diving accident, I personally think we should all keep a copy in our dive bags.
Exley's Razor
 written by R.D. Milhollin , I hope he doesn't mind me sharing some diving wisdom
  I think all advanced / deep / cave divers should be aware of.

The Importance of Deep Stops
courtesy of Richard Pyle.
For those of you into deeper diving, and I know there are a couple out there, have you ever felt a lttle tired after a dive, even though you stuck religiously to the table stops?
I know you're out there, this article just may help.
Richard Pyle is a leading ichthyologist who has specialised in deep water research. This article was gleaned from his experience.
Please read and perhaps learn something.
Click on Richard's picture to read his article.

A Cautionary Note - Check out this very good site for incident reports
Incident Reports - Courtesy of Wrolf Courtney

Just for a little colour, here is a picture of Wondergat (pronounced vondergat)

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