Deep Thoughts
By Joseph Emmanuel
to my page, I hope you will find something of interest here. The
primary purpose of my page is to provide links and discussion around Deep
and Technical Diving. I will also include links to UnderWater Hockey sites
, some Ecological places and ... well who knows..
WKPP - At Work
May-August 1998: Exploration of the Wakulla Springs and Leon Sinks systems Florida USA
Although I'm still building, here are some links
Deep Divers might like;
I'm a CMAS 2* instructor and deep diver, and
belong to The University of the Witwatersrand
Underwater Club.(Wits)
I belong to a team of cave divers led by
Nuno Gomes
who currently holds the world record
for deep scuba in a cave.
If your into deep/tech diving, some interesting sites are TechDiver
Eric's Rebreather page
For Your Own Safety.
Potential Deep Divers...Please
Keep in mind when thinking of deep or dark dives.
Having recently lost
a fellow instructor to a deep diving accident, I personally think we should
all keep a copy in our dive bags.
written by R.D.
Milhollin , I hope he doesn't mind me sharing
some diving wisdom
I think all advanced / deep / cave
divers should be aware of.
The Importance of Deep Stops
courtesy of Richard Pyle.
For those of you into deeper diving,
and I know there are a couple out there, have you ever felt a lttle tired
after a dive, even though you stuck religiously to the table
I know you're out there, this article just may help.
Richard Pyle is a leading ichthyologist who has specialised
in deep water research. This article was gleaned from his experience.
Please read and perhaps learn something.
A Cautionary Note - Check out this very good site for incident reports Incident Reports - Courtesy of
Wrolf Courtney
Just for a little colour, here is a picture of
(pronounced vondergat)
tuned for regular updates
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