Welcome to the Menomonie Cross Country and Running Webpage!

There is only one regular season race left! It's hard to believe that we are entering championship season already. I don't know about any of you, but I'm pretty excited to see how our team can do this October! Scroll down to check out all of the site's features, and make sure to check out the new site's feature: Rando Quote of the week!
MHS Cross 2004 - A New Era Begins.
E-mail us!
Joel - wood_j1@hotmail.com or Jesse - mullet173@hotmail.com
Full Results!
Check out running-log to record miles and chat with your fellow teammates in the forum!
Email me for a password if you want to sign up for our team.
Schedule 2004
Rando Quotes
Jim Parejko's Personal Running Page
Motivational pictures!
Running links