Hope's Hidaway

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Hello, Welcome to my page! If you would like to know more about me then click on the "Fairy"!

I hope you have fun looking around.

TURN YOUR SPEAKERS UP! This site has music! If you do not see the pictures you may need to use NETSCAPE as a browser! Any comments or suggestions are welcome. E-mail me or leave a note in my guestbook.

A new attraction is "The Antique Photo Gallery". I have several photographs dated between the 1850's and 1918. They are really interesting to look at if you enjoy those 'Frozen Moments in Time'.

The Link to visit the ANTIQUE PHOTO GALLERY is below!

This way to the ANTIQUE PHOTO GALLERY. Here you will see an assortment of old photographs and even a 110 year old Valentines Day Card!

This page will take time to load. If you are patient then go see it, as it is well worth the wait!

To the pages of my Friends, Family and then on to links for other sites on the web. All of which I must say are very "COOL" and worth your time!

To my "Family Photo Album" as well as pictures of North Carolina and some other beautiful places! THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

To the site of JAMES VAN PRAAGH, Spiritual Medium. This page has its own free chat room and is very interesting!

To the site of BRIAN L. WEISS, M.D., author of MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS and THROUGH TIME INTO HEALING. Another great page to hit while you are surfing!


Lift your Spirits! Beautiful Graphics,interesting topics and chat rooms. From Meditation to Reincarnation, every NEW AGE subject under the moon! Go to SPIRIT WEB


Head over to MOTHER NATURE and read the latest information regarding Alternative Medicine. There is an infinite reference source where you can look up herbs and other medicines!

Art Bell is a cool place to check out some just plain WEIRD stuff! If you like weird news and facts about things such as Genetic Engineering and The Gator who ate a Golfer, then head this way!

This is just a little fun page. It's a surprise, go check it out!

To my E-mail address!

Feel free to drop drop me a line anytime. I am open to any suggestions as I am very new at building web pages! I also would love to learn more so if you know of any links, books or such that can be of help then please let me know!

To view my guestbook. Stop in here and see who has been by my site!

To sign my guestbook. If you have time, I'd appreciate it!

Background for this website created by myself