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Vol. 1, 2006

"The Sweet De-Commissioning of Black Holes" BLACK HOLES ARE FALSE

This suggests a hypothetical test if BLACK HOLE PG is valid - to fall into a black hole. If the observer reaches the horizon and comes into the part behind the horizon, he has verified that PG is false.

Behind the obvious problem of this observer that he cannot tell his collegues on the Earth about the results of his observation, this seems to be not completely true. Indeed, PG requires only the possibility to introduce some harmonic coordinates on the complete solution. For the observer behind the horizon may be simply some other harmonic coordinates are the "true" coordinates.


M87 Traveling at 6 times the speed of light

"It's Coming, Start Running!"

A word which is translated nine times in the Old Testament as "unicorn" or "unicorns" is the Hebrew re'em. 'Had-Keren' is also unicorn, according to the Hebrew dictionary most widely used today, keren (or qeren) means "horn" and had (or 'echad) is "one".


While the Issacharites who relocated to the Caucasus Mountains apparently migrated into Scandinavia via the Southern Russian region which bears a name of a tribal clan of Issachar, other Isscharites may have taken alternate routes into Europe along with the other tribes of Israel. I note that Yair Davidy's book, The Tribes, agrees that many Isscharites migrated to Finland, but it traces other elements of that tribe to the modern nation of Switzerland in Central Europe.

There is strong biblical evidence that Finland is the modern homeland of much of the tribe of Issachar. I use the word 'much' of the tribe of Issachar as there is also biblical evidence that part of it may be located elsewhere. The tribe of Issachar did not go into Asia from its old tribal homeland by Galilee in one piece. II Kings 15:27-29 records that King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria invaded the ancient Kingdom of Israel approximately two decades before the city of Samaria fell. Tiglath-pileser took captive the tribes living in Gilead (Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh), Naphtali, which lived north of the Sea of Galilee and unspecified numbers of Israelites from other tribes who lived in 'Galilee.' The tribe of Issachar lived in the region of Galilee so it is very likely that a portion of this tribe went into Asia at this time. The remainder of the tribe left its ancient homeland around the time when Samaria fell, and this author's book, The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found!, makes the case that this remainder of the tribe of Issachar migrated with remnants of the other tribes to the region by the Black Sea in the Caucasus Mountains.

This is the HALE-BOPP Comet streaking through ANDROMEDA star system

Here is Hale-Bopp BEE-bopping way out there further than the Vegan Star. Is the comet concealing a giant alien spaceship as many Usenet posters declare???

Do you find this a "pretty portrait of Hale-Bopp's SOMEWHAT recent intergallactic neighborhood?

The infrared data also show that the water ice is in the familiar crystalline form. At Charon's frigid conditions, solar radiation would eventually degrade the crystalline ice into amorphous ice, where solid water molecules are packed together rather than structured into crystals. But apparently the impact of micrometeorites is causing the ice to vaporize and recrystallize -- recoating the surface with the more familiar type of ice.

That's interesting, Brown and Galvin wrote, because it proves a general rule, and again points to a general condition in the fringes of the solar system. "The presence of crystalline water ice on all of the well-studied icy satellites in the outer solar system confirms that a ubiquitous mechanism such as impacts must be responsible."

Brown dwarfs, the pathetic misfits that exist in a never-never land between planets and stars. Brown dwarfs and similar dross seem to make up a fair portion of the mass of the universe. If we could count this stuff, we'd have a better notion how much mass we can't see but must be there to explain the rotation of galaxies. The search for mass that seems to exist in strange, invisible forms has energized and frustrated physicists for years.

The Illuminati & Rockefeller version [above] of the "Capture of the

Kraken [Unicorn] ... actually, it is QUITE ludicrous!!!

The ancient Chinese symbol for "Law & Justice" was the same as for "Unicorn" and "Yang"

UNICORNS -- long ago in an ancient tongue they were known as CHALICOTHERIUM ... they were very friendly to young girls (and of course young boys too) ... but could be QUITE PERNICIOUS to uncooperative androids and entomological perpetrators that should NEVER have entered the LABYRINTH.

The unicorn easily travels through the labyrinth in the cosmic plasma WITHOUT having critical electrons stripped (or "fluoresced") from it --- and these "travelers" are VERY LUCKY in this way!!! WOULD YOU LIKE THIS REPEATED?? Okay. These "travelers" are VERY LUCKY in this way!!!


KRAKEN [Unicorn]

.... painting by ODD NERDRUM. The very dumb bugged-out looking goon [center] is named


Apparently this "mythological" creature, that NOAH stupidly forbade onto his Arc, had two natures. One that all schoolgirls pine over, the cute little white horsie with the adorable horn, ... the other as PROTECTOR of innocence, and this condition (as protector) somehow transformed our lovely unicorn, when applicable, into a TERRIFYING beast that is now catalogued as an extinct order of HORSES, ... one that had "unhorselike" teeth and hooves consisting of a unique three toes that culminated in a strongly developed razor sharp claw.

We here at Wadjet Eye have found proof that the unicorn survived. Fancy that!! You'd think "DATA" {"yes, Captain"} on NEXT GENERATION could outfight anything, or, ... that DRACULA can be frightening, or that JAGUAR goddesses of the AZTEC volcanoes are menacing, .... or that alien CATERPILLARS and their eggs in the Sigourney Weaver "ALIEN" movie (that laid many baby eggs) and tried numerous times to kill Sigourney, but never did --- the "grace under the pressure of combat" UNICORN makes them ALL look like BAMBI. The good thing is ... UNICORNS only fight to protect INNOCENCE, and NEVER to conquer.

Revelations of St. John: "... another mighty angel came down from heaven; ... He placed his right foot on the sea, his left one on the land and cried out with a loud voice ... (Rev.10,2) ... an animal came out of the sea, ... it's mouth like that of a lion." (Rev.13,1).

CAN YOU SEE "GRENDEL" and his Mother in the Swamp??? Look again.

Read the Real True Story of Cain's descendents and the BIBLICAL FLOOD, right here at link below!!


Our research here in our editorial offices and complex forced us to the conclusion that the VEGA star is the "al-Nasir" star which the Arabs named long ago, translating literally as "the falling Vulture" (Vulture is of the family Condor, or Catharti). It is a star of the first magnitude that is brightest in the constellation LYRA, a NORTHERN constellation representing the lyre of HERMES (or Mercury). We believe here at this alliance that this star is the same star that inspired the Nazi'rites of pre-Christian times, who never cut their hair and were strictly forbidden to go anywhere near the dead [KOHANIM]. This was their main religious taboo --- never EVER get anywhere near the DEAD. The Cathartis of southern France and adjacent areas, around 200 AD and much later, are also believed to have been inspired by the VEGAN star. They praised themselves as being "absolutely PURE" as emphatically and insistently as the Nazi'rites. The mountains of NAZIR may be where Noah's Ark finally settled, from where the


sent forth "found no resting place," but for whom the RAVEN found a virtual paradise.


Iridium, SELENIUM, glass, silica, gamma radiation, iron & nickel, uranium: these are the basic components of meteors.

An interesting fact. SELENIUM is never found in lava beds of volcanoes, but often present in splash craters of meteors, and the fragments of meteors in our museums. Even in my baby crib, i knew by instinct that the core of the Earth was a form of ice, unknown to present human scientists, such as Amorphous Solid Water--Super Cooled Liquid Water, and NOT the meteor core!

It is just the reverse; it is the meteor core that is hot thermonuclear fusion trash, and the core of the Earth which is the magnificent and lovely, ASW-Agua.

A number of meteors have a sulphur smell, and meteors of viral mass are described in various sources. There were also rains of "blood", which were most likely iron-oxide or amorphous selenium. In Chapters Six and Seven, it is noted that there were a number of reports of fiery skies, black rains, and fiery hurricanes. As described, ionizing radiation of meteors creates a vacuum, ... once in Florida, a very offensive meteor contained silver, the best conductor of all metals; gallium, a semiconductor; germanium, also a semiconductor; mercury, which dissolves in metals and is used in long-lived batteries; and selenium, which reacts with sulfur-like characteristics, reacts with metals, and is photovoltaic and photoconductive. There was also a high salt content.

The Earth-Moon system [and its eclipses] are the most striking aspects of the solar system, buttoning up the sides of the solar system loop.

They are unique in the solar system, the Moon being the largest satellite with respect to its host in the whole solar system.

This may be a necessary prerequisite for matter to exist in dynamic stability at the cusp of the wave front as shown. In which case Earth occupies the upper portion of the loop, the moon the lower, in its own orbit. The moon's orbital plane is inclined at five degrees to the Ecliptic, as is indicated by the inflection of the lines (versus the much higher inflection of the upper cusp, indicative of Earth's 23° axial inclination).

Also indicated is a stable and permanent second moon-like presence near Earth, a quasi-satellite orbit centered on earth, about 80 times the earth-moon distance in cross section. This is about two wavelengths of the system wave, which means the orbit is between two adjacent cusps of the pattern. The stable orbit varies at most 3 to 4 degrees off the ecliptic, which is approximately the extent of the cusp, or small loop. Another such stable orbit exists around Venus, with the same dimensions and aspect. This assumes that the placement of the minor planets on the inner wave is not only unique, but that every portion of the wave must be occupied for overall stability of the solar system. Each planet occupies a special location, which is not shared by any other. In atomic physics terms, the curve defines allowable (stable) orbits.

THE TRUTH ABOUT NOAH & THE ARK ... Evidence lies deep beneath Black Sea sediment

NASA Launched a Spacecraft on March 25th, 2000, to Study Impact of MAGNETIC STORMS, called the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE), to record with current technology the MAGNETOSPHERE for the first time. Blast off was on March 25th, 2000 from Vendenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

click here and scroll down to the bottom of the website to see how the Scottish clans descending from Charlemagne (Huguenots) planned and executed a big POW-WOW at Castle Semple (Lochwinnoch) the first few days of May, 2000!!

Did you catch the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE at about 5:11 AM, NYC time, August 11, 1999

click here for SELECTIONS from IMMANUEL VELIKOVSKY's "Worlds In Collision"

MAY 18, 2002

Click HERE for for EVEN more about MAY 18, 2002

click here for 2000 EMWS, the symposium of the US SPACE WARFARE CENTER & NORAD, held from April 25-27th, 2000, to deal with the May 5, 2000 Time-Space Wormhole

altavista search engine ENTRY

"2000 EMWS "

2000 EMWS. The Air Force Academy hosted the 8th tri-service sponsored, Electromagnetic Windows Symposium, 25 - 27 April 2000. The EMWS... URL: Last modified on: 17-Jun-1999 - 10K bytes - in English [ Translate ] [ More pages from this site ] [Related pages ] [ Facts about: Anteon Corp ]


Anteon has a long and stable tradition of providing Systems Engineering Services in support of Department of Defense Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) initiatives such as the Linked Operations/Intelligence Centers Europe (LOCE). Over the last 23 years, we have also supported a large number of Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) and radiation hazard (RADHAZ) projects to ensure that electronic systems operate effectively and safely within their operational environments.

Anteon provides specialized Technology Management Services involving advanced technologies and research and development activities. Services include materials technology research and development; avionics technology design and development; manufacturing technology planning, management, and development; industrial practices planning and management; and technology transfer services.

Since 1978, Anteon has supplied Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) engineering services to its clients in reducing and eliminating the effects of electromagnetic phenomena on shipboard, airborne and ground-based systems. We have provided key support on every major DoD Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) program and have serviced foreign navies, commercial firms, NASA and the White House. Recognized as a leading Navy E3 support contractor, Anteon is the prime author of the Navy's EMC standards, survey procedures and training courses.

click here for the 8th WORLD SALT SYMPOSIUM, held May 7-11, 2000 .... the proponents of this Symposium staunchly supported the IODIZATION of table salt worldwide; in addition, several board members are tulip experts, and study the role of HALOPHILIC BACTERIA in the precipitation of SALT

LOT, leader of the Moabs and Ammonites [tribes of Judah] and the Fate of his WIFE, who turned around to take one last look at the gamma radiation destruction of her city-state into a vast salt wasteland!

click here for the last time there was an opening of the Space-Time Continnuum, circa 1500 BC, when the mercenary troops of Yahweh stormed down from Mt. Sinai and nearly wiped out the Chemosh following Moabites-Canaanites, fishermen, and changed the name of their town SALEM to JeruSALEM

This was JUST 670 years after Noah's Flood, which has now been established to have occured in 2170 BC.


with the spelling of "Hai" defined below [bee colonies]:


"HAI" -- [this spelling is a


replication of the spelling "Hy" above] -- Hai was an ancient English word borrowed from the older Greek term for a "COLONY OF BEES," and having ancient correspondences to China and the HI HO Comet.


The Grand Multi-Planet "Necklace" CONJUNCTION seemed to take place on May 5, 2000 ... and again in even more force, in full manifestation, on May 18, 2002 ... so rare a phenomenon that it comes only every 3000 to 8000 years, unlike the simple conjunction between Jupiter & Saturn which comes much more frequently, about once every 900 years. The ANTARES STAR, in Scorpio, will signal to the Aldebaran Star of Taurus, and it may be known why Antares is the "rival" of Ares. Our world may learn quickly why the Vega Star is also known as the "Android Star," much about the "Seres Silk Worm Star," and why the Andromeda System was dubbed by the ARGONAUTS, the "St. Vitus Dance Star," AKA ...

the "Rabies Star".

MAY 18, 2002 ... click here for even MORE post-analysis

North & South POLAR FIELD REVERSALS: "Polar reversals are permanently documented in the rock record from geologic and volcanic activity," so the Earth is no newcomer to violent reversals of north and south poles! Today, the north pole deflects VECTORS of penetration RIGHTwards, or clockwise. This is known as the CORIOLIS Effect. The SOUTH POLE deflects vectors of penetration LEFTwards, or counter-clockwise. One can compare this, if for a mere mental exercise only, with the ancient Sanskrit "svastika", which is a Greek Cross with arms going counter-clockwise. The Third Reich's Swastika is a bad copy of this ancient Sanskrit symbol, which somehow goes in the wrong CLOCKWISE direction. LOOK BELOW FOR COMPARISON!

The NAZI clockwise Swastika [by motion]

The ancient Indian [absolutely NON-TIBETAN] Counter-Clockwise [by motion] Svestika

===>> The northern clockwise Coriolis effect has a gravitational field THAT DEFLECTS ALL SUNLIGHT!!

WORD TO BENEFIT THE READER: The Planets and Our Cosmos have a Counter-clockwise motion.

Comets and Asteroids [includes meteors] have a clockwise motion.

Halley's Comet passed bringing its clockwise fields at the time of the Exodus in the Bible [Moses, et al.]. The Maccabbean Revolt of 132-135 AD lead by Bar Kokhba was at a time of a Halley's Comet fly-by [FLIES-by] also. "Bar Kokhba" means "Son of the Comet," and "Lord of the Flies" ... the tail of the comet long associated with the vengeful blade of a sword.

Coins from Second (Bar Kochba) Revolt, AD 132-135

Louis Pasteur, Grand Protector of the Silk Worm, taught us that in a rotation of plane POLARIZED light, salts of RACEMIC ACID, used for tanning mammal hides, produce 2 NEARLY identical MIRROR image salts. When separated, the 2 types of crystals, -L, and -R, for Left or Right plane polarized light, ROTATED to the same degree but in OPPOSITE directions. They are termed "OPTICAL ANTIPODES", of which one of them is NOT and can never be assimilable by ANY LIVING organism, and cannot be used as NUTRITION by ANY microorganisms [can you guess which one???]. So this sets us in the right frame of mind to UNDERSTAND the utter seriousness of OPTICAL POLARIZED PLANES.

Click below for more on Louis Pasteur, his silenced rival DR. BECHAMP, and a microscopic biological parasite of the silk worm

The Trials of DOCTOR BECHAMP to beat back the forgeries of Louis Pasteur

Read of FLOURESCENT silk worms here ... excerpts from "Science Daily Magazine"

Read here in TACHINID TIMES NEWSLETTER about the Exorista sorbillans, a.k.a the UZI FLY, whose eggs were the true killer of the silk worms of France in Louis Pasteurs day and age

"Dynamics of

HAEMO-lymph SORBITOL-6-Phosphate

and its Control by Ecdy-Steroid in the larvae of the SILKWORM, Bombyx Mori, pages 461-468, by Yasunori Oda, Masafumi Iwami, Minoru Osanai and Sho Sakurai"


Its eggs are are call pupae and these pupae eggs are subject to infection by the living parasite called


a microscopic protozoan. The disease of the silkworm comes from these eggs when they have been


into the silkworm by the Uzi Fly. [This puts a new terrifying stigma to the Uzi Machine gun, don't you think???] After the parasitical Nosema Bomycis has been injected into the silkworm, it dies of a disease called PEBRINE, characterized by a black spotting of the integuement of the caterpillar larva, stunting their growth drastically also.

With all due respect to the plight of the Silkworm, we can't resist here at the Wadjet Eye a joke overheard at a garden party recently. The brunt of the joke should actually be the protozoan microscopic parasite, called Nosema Bomycis, and not the hapless silkworm.

HERE GOES: "Silkworms were in a race. They ended up in a tie."

IBM Specializes in SiLK Making

by John Markoff


"[...] IBM says the company will have entirely transformed its manufacturing process in a way that will be crucial for building at least the next TWO GENERATIONS of Silicon Technology.

[...] At the heart of IBM's new manufacturing process is an insulating material that has been available for several years from the DOW CHEMICAL Corporation. Named


the material is known as a "low-k DIELECTRIC" ---- a PLASTIC-like material with better insulating properties than the GLASS-like materials that are used in many of today's semiconductor manufacturing steps.

[...] Last year, researchers at MOTOROLA reported that they had successfully integrated a low-k dielectric material with COPPER wires. But the company said that it did not expect the technology to be in commercial products until 2002.

The chip industry's adoption of the new material has been slow because of various properties that make SiLK material maddeningly difficult to work with.

"This is a DOW material, but the important part of the announcement is now we have leaned how to use it.

[...] The SiLK material is deposited on the surface of a semiconductor wafer in layers, using a process called "SPIN ON" which evenly distributes it over the surface [like a silkworm 'spins on' silk fibers]. The material is then baked in an oven to cause it to harden, and acts as an insulator to separate the ultrathin COPPER wires that connect different components on the chip."


The Wormwood "Fallen Star" of the Middle Ages that bittered the Waters of Europe

The character Jodie played was modeled on Jill Tarter, Director of SETI and PhD in astronomy, and wife of Jack Welch, a professor at Berkeley in Electrical Engineering [and you thought Berkeley was once a liberal campus!].

RADIATION WARNING: Time travel forces one to specialize in radio-biology, the interaction of biological systems and radiant energy, or radioactive materials.

We have learned that exposure to radiation [microwave included] results in damage to blood-forming tissue with decrease in red and white blood cells, and with bleeding.

We cannot only applaud those who already went 'further than man has gone before' in space/time travel expeditions --- we must provide for those of them who returned [and will return] with radiant energy illnesses. There are some hospitals now working on these issues, but currently they are UNDERFUNDED. Please contribute generous $$$$$$$ billions to our charitable cause.

THE NEW YORKER magazine ran an article by Jerome Groopman titled "Medicine on Mars" which discusses these illnesses.

"[...] Can human beings survive long term exposure to deep-space RADIATION and zero gravity?

[...] last year, medical research received less than two per cent of NASA's annual budget. The agency, recognizing this problem, decided to "outsource" [like most temp agencies and employment agencies today] some of the work to a "non-profit" consortium of twelve (12) university laboratories.

[...] Human beings evloved over ... the grip of gravity; the fluid and small bones of the inner ear, which make up the vestibular system, sense its steady tug. In the absence of gravity, people are without the signals that they depend on for orientation and balance.

[...] The absence of gravity also wreaks havoc on the circulatory system ... when you enter weightless space, ... blood is released and rushes up like a geyser. You can feel as if your head is being hit by a hammer ... your body is fooled into thinking that it has a fluid surplus, and typically two pints of water will be lost [...]. As a result, you quickly become dehydrated ... over the coming months you will become ... anemic.

[...] The dangers posed by cosmic rays are even more daunting: we have neither biological nor mechanical defenses against them. These rays are deflected from the Earth by a surrounding magnetic zone, but beyond this zone they are commonplace. Composed largely of iron particles travelling at speeds that approach that of light, they penetrate deeply into the body, even through the skull. When the speeding particles pass through the tissues, they trigger what is, in essence, a nuclear reaction [think of Crohn's Disease].

"Normally, on Earth, we suffer tiny breaks in one strand of our DNA from UV sunlight and X rays," Dr. Francis Cucinotta, the manager of NASA's Space Radiation Health Project, explained. "But with the kind of hight energy deposited from cosmic rays, there are multiple breaks in BOTH strands of the DNA helix, and we haven't evolved natural repair mechanisms to restore them."

[...] Researchers have exposed rodents to these high-energy iron particles and found significant changes in their cerebral DOPAMINE pathways, as well as consequent behavioral changes, such as apathy ... autopsies revealed that the rodents' brains were riddled with microscopic LESIONS from the RADIATION, as if they had been hit by [nano-sized] buckshot.

Cosmic rays could also cause dangerous mutations in the bacteria and fungi that normally colonize our skin, mouth, and INTESTINE, as well as the ambient ones within the spaceship.

[...] Astronauts who have been isolated on analogue missions in Antartica suffered from T-cell deficiencies, and ... latent viruses, such as Epstein-Barr and cytomegalovirus, had been reactivated. On a prolonged mission, these viruses could easily spread in the cabin to the entire crew."

The WIFE of LOT, leader of the persecuted and repressed Moab and Canaan and Ammon tribes of Judah, as she [and her entire race --- but not quite all] are victimized by a fission reaction from a gamma-hungry alien race. She turned to take one last look at her city-state, family and friends, before ALL was nuked and obliterated, into SALT.

Click here to see how M81 & M82 took out a Star Cluster in OUR galaxy!!!

click here for BLOOD PORPHYRIA

Earth's Newest "Moon"?

By David Tytell and Roger W. Sinnott

Updated September 12, 2002 | On September 3rd in Benson, Arizona, Bill Yeung discovered a 16th-magnitude object on CCD images taken with a 0.45-meter telescope. It was moving rapidly northeastward across Pisces. He e-mailed the positions to the Minor Planet Center (MPC) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which quickly posted the object on its Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page under the temporary designation J002E3.

But within a few days of the report, the MPC removed the object from its Confirmation Page; preliminary orbit calculations suggested it was traveling in a large, 50-day orbit around the Earth, not the Sun. It had all the earmarks of being a spent rocket casing or other piece of "space junk" instead of a true minor planet.

But what exactly is it? Efforts by Tony Beresford in Australia and other satellite experts have failed to match this object with any known artificial satellite. Photometric measurements by Peter Kusnirak in the Czech Republic failed to show much variation in brightness, as would be expected of a small metallic object, especially if cylindrical. But the big question is, if it is really in Earth orbit, why has it not been detected before? In Yeung's words, 16th magnitude should have made it "a piece of cake" for survey telescopes or for CCD-equipped amateur instruments to locate long ago.

Still, Brian G. Marsden (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Minor Planet Center) remains skeptical that the mystery object is a rocky asteroid. "There is a very remote chance it's natural," he believes. "Just because it hasn't been identified doesn't mean it's not artificial."

"I will be awfully surprised if this is a natural thing captured by Earth," says Marsden.

According to Marsden, the object's geocentric orbit was his first indication that the body was most likely space junk. But to be certain, he suggests that astrometric stations continue monitoring its motion and that radio telescopes observe the mysterious body. A detailed ephemeris is available from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's HORIZONS System.

"Radar ought to be able to tell us pretty quickly if we are seeing a polished metallic surface or a natural surface," says Marsden. "Radar would settle it once and for all."

Meanwhile, using the observations available so far, JPL's Paul Chodas concludes that J002E3 is possibly a leftover Saturn-IVB stage from one of the Apollo missions of the late 1960s. His report includes an animation of the object's recapture by Earth in April 2002 after being in a heliocentric orbit for several decades. This recapture, incidentally, explains why it eluded detection until now.

The Shakespeare Eclipses and
the Saros Series, June 10, 2002

This May 26th and June 10-11, we have the Saros Series ... the solar and lunar eclipses that were the same ones mentioned in Shakespeare's works -- that darkened the Pyrannees mountain range and all of northern Iran on Oct. 12, 1605, signaling THE GUNPOWDER PLOT, which brought on ... "... in all the palaces, treason."

Why is it that when one lies in the bottom of a swimming pool, with eyes open, and looking directly at the sun overhead, it does not harm or hurt ones eyes in any way, ... the sun only seems to "twinkle", like a little star?

This is some kind of property of refraction, rather than reflection.

Polarized sun glasses work on the reflective properties of certain light wavelenghts.

Why don't we have some kind of eyewear apparatus that uses the swimming pool properties of water?

COMET IKEYA ZHANG -- passes on May 16th and 17th within only 2 degrees of the globular cluster M13 in Hercules!

The visual discovery, naked eye, of 3 comets in so short a time [early 2002] is without precedent.

In fact, seven other comets have been added since February, including the Snyder-Murakami Comet.

When using your telescopes, please factor in "collimation" effects when viewing the comets, ... the shifted light, known as "tilt" or "offset", does not really correct the comet's tail streaking at a 90 degree angle AWAY from what one thinks they see.

The Shakespeare Eclipses and
the Saros Series, June 10, 2002

[648 -BC- Earliest total solar eclipse; chronicled by Greeks]

King Lear Act 1, Scene 2

GLOUCESTER: These late ECLIPSES in the sun and moon portend no good to us...


Some exceptional websites:

Click here to read the life of Evariste Galois, the Father of Unified Theory who died at 21 (he united geometry to algebra through group theory, which if he had never created it, the work of Einstein would have been impossible!)


Here are some highly recommended sites:

" Who Will Drive a Stake Through the God of War?"

"Strike Workers of America, STRIKE!"

B.Traven & His Circle of Friends

Adrian Report on Illegal Immigration and its Union Busting and Job Smashing Effects

The Adrian Report on Healthcare Abuses Approved by the Senate/Congress




Temp Slavery in Our Outsourced Labor Lowdown

MOLDOVA MONASTARIES and related history:

Literary Read Out at DORIAN'S, NYC
Review of Neil Labute's first plays
SATELLITES TODAY ... what did Phillip K. Dick really know about the occult usage of satellites?!!!
American HMOs will KILL you at top dollar !!!!
A new drama, 'Druids In Deep Space' in progress--a play in suspension
EYES WIDE SHUT -- What was Kubrick saying in cryptic symbols before Spielberg had him ....
Bill Gates and Permanent Temps [PERMATEMPS] and his role in GLOBAL OUTSOURCING
"Why we have more Lice than Properly Counted Votes in the USA," by Bryan Adrian
Hot young actress from Bulgaria ... what a career!!

The Adrian Report on Illegal Immigration--a Guidebook for Liberals ... click here

This dove is one of the very few to get away from its forest of OUTSOURCING and temp agency slavery -- and it protected itself from being OUTSOURCED via flight and swiftness. Look how beautifully it flies away from both Hillary and GW -- both knuckle fisted outsourcers!!!

click here for BUSH IS BANANNAS!

Cochlear Brain Implants and the PBS Media Fraud"  

Ground Zero  




"GOODBYE and GOOD RIDDANCE, Rudy Giuliani !!!"  

"FEDERAL RESERVE: Alan Greenspan's Bedside Tales & EZRA  

"TEMP SLAVERY: Alienated & Terminated  

"PERMATEMPS, U.S.A Immigration, and Our Jobless Crisis  

** "Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Part I"  

** "Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Part II"  



"STAR WARS: The Satellite Tip Sheet"  


"TIME TRAVEL: Cosmic Unicorns"  

"CARBON STARS, Stonehedge, and The Parker Spiral"

"KRAKENS: Commandos Against the Cigar Galaxy  

"Blood-Stained ANDROMEDA GALAXY: Cannibalism--Strains"  

"Satellite GYROSCOPE Failures and Bytes of .666"  

"ALL SYSTEMS GO-GO-GO: COMET LINEAR C 1999 S4, Still Intact"  



"NEMATODES, Icelandic VOLCANOES, and Tasty ATP Hemoglobin  

"Killer Wasps and Rabies: ... METEORIC Mummy  

click here for PART TWO, of Unemployment and Joblessness in the USA ... spiraling EXPLOSIVE social unrest!!

PERMATEMPS: WHAT ARE THEY? click here now ...

click here for PART TWO

bryan adrian bryan adrian bryan adrian