Heart Technology Pricing
Retail per jar: $49.95 |
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Why should you buy Heart Technology? |
Because lesions (damage) in the blood vessels can be avoided or healed with high doses of Vitamin C, and because Lysine and Proline inhibit the binding of Lp(a) cholesterol (Lipoprotein(a)) to these lesions, which form dangerous plaques. It also provides the HEART POWER of anti-oxidant Vitamins E & A, plus Arginine, Folic acid, and Vitamin B6 in a drink mix.

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Heart Technology replaces over 30 pills with a a pleasant tasting, well absorbed drink.
Heart Technology cost less than buying all the separate pills.
Heart Technology uses only top ingredients. No fillers, glues, binders, additives or particulate
Heart Technology has an absolute, unconditional 100% money-back guarantee *
* If, for any reason, what so ever, you decide that Heart Technology in not for you, we will immediately and cheerfully refund your money. No questions asked.
I would like to add that I have been selling Heart Technology for over five years now and have not received a single request for a refund. Now that speaks volumes for our product, does it not! |
The Truth about HEART DISEASE
Do you have Heart Disease?
Cardiovascular disease | blocked arteries | angina
Is there a history of Heart Disease in your family?
have you had one or more heart attacks?
If so; Then you are in the right place!
My name is Jeff Fenlason and I want to tell you the REAL cause of HEART DISEASE. And how I reversed my "Untreatable Heart Disease" In less than two weeks.
I had Cardiovascular Disease, blocked arteries, angina, several heart attacks, quadruple bi-pass surgery and a stroke. In 2001 the doctors gave up on me and said the best they could do was to medicate me until I die. Yet today I no longer wake up in the morning wondering if this will be my last day.
I no longer restrict my involvement in life, I do what I want when I want to.
I no longer sit at home while the rest of the world enjoys life.
I no longer lie about how often I have angina, I don't have to, because I DON'T HAVE ANY!!!
I am now part of my life, fully and without the crippling effects of heart disease.Read my personal story here... |
How did I accomplish this? With Vitamin C!
YES! Vitamin C! But not just Vitamin C alone
In the latter 1980s Linus Pauling and Dr. Matthias Rath, MD. Together, discovered the vitamin C lipoprotein(a) connection, and proposed their unified theory to explain the cause of cardiovascular disease. In 1994 they were awarded two patents for inhibiting the binding of lipoprotein(a) plaque to the walls of arteries and tissues. This Pauling states is the root cause of blocked arteries. Before his death in August 1994, Pauling announced that he had come to believe that with the proper use of vitamin C and lysine we can completely control heart attacks and strokes, and even cure heart disease. |
Even considering the above notable distinctions, my reaction was: "Yea, Right! Vitamin C!"
For over 11 years my doctor had not been able to cure my heart disease and now this guy expects me to believe that Vitamin C can not only prevent cardiovascular disease, but even CURE IT! |
Well, I'm here to personally tell you that it does.
"I think we can get almost complete control of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes by the proper use of this therapy. It can prevent cardiovascular disease and even CURE IT. "
[Linus Pauling from his last interview]
[published in the August 1994 British Journal of Optimum Nutrition]
Click here to learn how Linus Pauling helped cure one mans heart disease with Vitamin C and Lysine. |
Who was Dr. Linus C. Pauling?
- The most celebrated and decorated chemist in history
- First American scientist to master the technology of X-ray diffraction
- Incorporated quantum mechanics to make our modern chemistry
- Discovered the Alpha Helix
- Identified the cause of abnormal hemoglobin in Sickle cell anemia: a single amino-acid anomaly
- Proposed a theory to explain anesthesia
- Discovered the DNA triple Helix (alternate DNA structure that has been recently been found)
- Led petition effort that resulted in the Test Ban Treaty which halted above-ground Nuclear testing
- Authored more than 100 publications
- Received 58 honorary doctorates
- Only person to ever win two unshared Nobel Prizes
- Staunch Vitamin C Crusader
click here to read more from Linus Pauling
Linus Pauling himself consumed 18,000 mg of Vitamin C daily because he realized that the human body's inability to produce Vitamin C is, in it self the number one cause of Heart Disease. When he died in August 1994, Linus Pauling was 96 years old. |
The Prevention and Cure of Coronary Heart Disease is Within Your Reach. Order your copy of the New Thomas Levy book today! |
STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER! provides overwhelming scientific evidence that most conditions which we now consider as risk factors for CHD a) all start with the depletion of arterial vitamin C levels (arterial scurvy) and b) are often just the body's way of compensating for the weakness in arterial walls caused by arterial scurvy. |
This book also offers a protocol for preventing and reversing the arterial blockages that cause heart attacks. |
Don't wait to benefit from this superb book... Order Stop America's #1 Killer! today. |