Krayzie Hippi Jay-Z sez Since you visited my page, you got my BLESSING... If you hang around and sign my guest book, you got my RESPECT... If you like my homepage, you got my ......


Firstly I would like to thank YOU for checkin out my page. I am a Krayzie Hippi.wanna see what a teenage hippi looks like? Me with plats in mah head..SECOND.. THIRDand a pic of my crazy family ( dad, mum and sis in order ). Anyway this page is based of Philosophies and Theories, the two main topics, so please check my page on MOTHS and PHILOSOPHY. If anyone out there have a problem with Hippies, well i only got a few words for ya " I still like you "......

I was born in Burma. I have been travelling around everywhere since i was 2. I have been living in Australia for 6 years. If you would like to know more about my country click the globe.


SiteAddressThe Looks N Sytlez
MY PHILOSOPHY PAGE(This page is a MUST)PHILOSOPHY Phrases of wisdom by the gratest philosopher "Krayzie-Hippi-Jay-Z"
MY THEORY ON MOTHSMothsMy theory of why there are moths on this world, really good reading material.
Official Myanmar Homepage Homepage of my home country, has everthing you need to know about Myanmar.
Couttsy Paig Coutts From Down Under My friend in Alice Springs..hes got his ownpage up, check it out...
My Homey Buff's Paig The 2114 connection. Mah ture homiez paig...everythin about music, stylez and stuff...its the place to be with the man u see, Punkzappa.
Gazza's Homepage Gazza'a Homopage Lots of juice ready to use? sounds fimiliar..thas all heard from the page of the POON. SAms best buddy and a great fren of mine..check it out..its got FRAMES
Johnson's Home Page Johnson's Male Models Johnson's Homepage of pictures and other stuff. All in Chinese.
Shaun's Simpsons PageSimpsons PageMy friends page on all the stuff about the Simpsons, he put a lot of time on this so check it out if you are a Simpson freak
National Basketball Associationnba.comThe best basketball site on the net, has player, team stats, news, pics and much more.
Lyrics World The biggest collection of lyrics for all kinds of music, search engine included.

I would like to say WHASSUP to some of my frends. I personally think people can be compared to music. Music can say a lot about the person's personality and all, so some of my friends below are linked to the music which best describes them.

If anyone out there, guess every song on my homepage, send me an E-mail, and you will get a special BLESSING from me.
The People/The PlacesThe stylez N LookzMy "blessings"
BURMA My Beloved country, my pride All my people in Burma, the day i return, the day of PEACE shall return with me..
Family & Relatives
This here, goes out to all my Family & Relatives all over the world My family, i am what you made thank you and you got my respect, blessing and
The cuz from Burma..been with me a long time...been through the hard and eazy time with me and for that she is one of my special cuz. Loolu,we'll take over Burma one day
Dale earlies best friend..we go back to the stone age and till now we be good friends, that sez a lot. Dale..u be actin like an adult these dayz..u and Rene, u don't know how funny it feelz, but chu know, u getting my blessing and respct all tha way. Another thing, u kinda got me goin into basketball, rap and all thas like showing me an important part of my and my wordz cannot describe my appreciation man...thanx .
Francis. the all rounder with skills beyond tha sky. Hes got love for eveyone, espicially his girlfriend. You and me Francis, we paint the city "BUM" and kill all useless Quake2 playas
Shaun's the man to get jiggy with it, he can play, eat, sleep, dance and pick-up gal everywhere he goes. YOu really know how to throw a party man, espically with those nice "kebarbs" see if u can get a recipie for Attracting nice gals..Your dream girl out there somewhere Shaun, don't give up
one of the greatest Burmese citizen for what he has done for my country. Hes a great friend and hes got heaps goin for his life..a legend in his own time Alex..u one great Burmese..You and me will one day be co-leaders of all the Hippies in da world
My only fren from Alice Springs who was brave enough to face Sydney with me, and for that i owe her everything..take care Sherri, the day i commit suicide, u better be there to tape it...cause u know i am capable of doin it
Jamie Coutts
The guy loved by everyone..a strong hearted person, only being in the wrong place at the wrong time Don't worry Couttsy...u and me one day we will be playing basketball again..PROMISE
Garry a.k.a Gazza
Garry is just the guy who loves to party..he also loves to help everyone, espically his best friend Sam Parsa. Gary's famous words " I got lots of juice ready for use " umm, garry, umm, buddy.
Quite, shy...another typical BURMESE...hes funny SOE, we should get drunk down a creek in ALice Springs again
Sam, Sam Parsa, agent 000. The network administrator from hell, hes smart as can be and as funny as will ever be. Ummm, Garry...umm...umm...I'm thirsty
Chyna_Doll But wow...shes tha gal to be with the place you see..PRETTYYY.....and shes mah frenU got everythin thas goin for ya girl...keep ya head up and smile..cause everyone luvs ya
Khalil, a.k.a JD
One of the sickest person alive, hes got good taste in music, sports and everythin,..hes also one of the many that can rock Shaun's life upside for that hes got everything thas coming towards him Khalil...your like my mentor for music, so what can i say..u showed me the path for my life.
Ka-ManA nice gal, shes got heaps goin for her life. Shes cool and calm at all time just like the sea, thas what makes her different from everone. The one and ^_^..
CelinaMy sis'sbest friend. Shes funny and always eazy to talk to. Cares a lot for everyone..jason..why are you soo your sista...
Johnson King TOSS One of my gratest frens..we go back way back..back into time....hes honky..hes chubby..he loves girls...what a pal oi..chen..we go perve on chicks all nite huh?
Ohh, baby...the perfect song for this guy..hes a DJ, Jackie Chan combinationHey Bonny, ohh hunny hunny...u can guard me anyday out in the courts
This goes out to everyone, friends, family, strangers i missed out there u know i got nothing but LOVE for you all, PEACE
My friends are not in any particular order in the table, i respect them all equally...PEACE

I also wanna thank those people who had a small party for my got my upmost RESPECT and don't forget the

Well you have reached the end of my trippy homepage. Sign my My Guestbook, leave your mark for eva on a magnificent page such as this. Get in touch with the Guru of life, ME. Thanks people for checking out my page and remember "I GOT NOTHING BUT LOVE FOR YOU ALL, PEACE"

Mail Me

If i am on-line at the moment...hook up with me..i give you what...what chu need...and all you'll eva need1284448912844489~


This counter was put up on SUNDAY, 15TH NOVEMBER, 1998

My 1000th waz Blaque Chyna, it was on 24th of August 1999 at exactly 11pm. Shaun my main man from TAFE was my 1002nd guest and for that hes got my blessing.Both of you got my love and respect. I shall update this page soon.

Thank you for your time