
We've seen the movies, we've seen the pictures. We all know about the incredible amounts of ash, rocky debris and gases that are spewed from a volcanic eruptions. But do you know about the relationship between volcanic eruptions and global temperatures? Could a geological event thousands of miles from you and your famly affect your summer?

Here, we pose the problem:

What is the effect of volcanic debris on global temperatures?

A little background information:

What's in that stuff?

Find out about the debris that volcanoes eject.

Look at those clouds...

The link between debris and albedo.

So what's the verdict?

The relationship between albedo and temperatures.

View The Facts:

We researched 9 volcanoes around the world, from Mount Pelee to Mount Pinatubo. Click on a location around the world to read about a volcano.

 And in conclusion....

You might think this is the end of our project, but it's not. We need to see if you've learned anything from this hard work. Therefore, please complete the small scavenger hunt we have for you. Answer the following 6 questions (very easy)  to see if our hard work and research has paid off.

1. What set off the eruption of Mt. St. Helens?
2. What volcanic eruption is considered the most major in the last half century?
3. What volcano was believed to be extinct before its eruption in 1982?
4. What town was devastated by the eruption of Mount Pelee?
5. What is another name for a pyroclastic flow?
6. What are some of the volcanic ejections from an eruption?

answers to: volcanoes@hotmail.com

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Team members:

Amanda Kwan
Rachel Nevins
Jonathan Zimmerman

Webpage design by Amanda Kwan
All pictures/graphics are copyrighted to their respective owners.