Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program

Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program

      The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program works with communities to protect rivers, trails and open spaces.  This outreach progrm of the National Park Service Offers the skills of planners, landscape architects, communication specialists, and conservation experts to your community.  Based on the principle of partnerships, the program emphasizes conservation through local actions. 
      Park Service specialists help bring together citizens and public agencies in your community to develop strategies for protecting the places that make your coner of the world special.  Our assistance is tailored to the specific needs and conditions of each project.  The National Park Service Mid-Atlantic Reagional Office offers the conservation assistance program in Pennsylbania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, and the New Jersey Pinelands.  Nine other regional offices offer the program nationwide. 

If you wish to learn more about the RTCA click  here .
Check out some more infommation about us on our page:
 Mid-Atlantic Projects FY 98
 Fact Sheet for the NRTCA
 What the Program Can Do for Your Community
 Types of Projects
 Using A Process That Moves Ideas Into Actions
 Application for Assistance
Our Priorities & Objectives
 Taking Action