Hydroponics Consultant
My name is Jacob Martinez.
I work as Consultant for Hydroponics, Fertilization, Irrigation, Computerized Fertirrigation etc.

My home is Israel and I speak Spanish, Hebrew and English, thus working worldwide.
Right now I work mainly in South America, developing projects and advising:
Tomatoes, Lettuce, Table Grapes, Fruit Trees and Speedlings, in substrates and in soil.

I researched and developed Fertilizer Formulas for Grapes and Tomatoes and "Pulrad", a system for the renovation of plants through the roots, which is used successfully in Chile.

More Information & Hydroponic Links:
Curriculum Vitae en Español
Curriculum Vitae in English
Hydroponic Site with PHOTOS
At Your Service:
Email 1: ancob68@hotmail.com
Lettuce in Perlite
Email 2: waks@mcc.org.il


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