01-20-03: Novak's Malice

01-17-03: Fighting Tom Friedman

01-23-03: The Church: Friend or Foe?

12-14-02: Berlyne: 12 Bad Arguments for a Palestinian State

10-11-02: Rubin: Saudi PR a flop

12-09-02: Zuckerman: Sheep, wolves, and reality

12-09-02: Schwartz: Saudi Stench

12-01-02: Gerth & Miller: Saudis still finance terror

11-29-02: Mansdorf: The Big Lie in action

11-23-02: Koret: Ready for the 'Perfect Storm'?

11-18-02: Halevi: Sadat wisdom ignored

11-11-02: Brooks: Saddam's Brain

11-02-02: Stephens: Simon Sez

10-28-02: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust

10-23-02: EU trying to undermine Israel

10-21-02: Gerecht: A Necessary War

10-21-02: Why Liberals Should Support the War

10-12-02: Jimmy Carter - An Anti-Israel Nobel

10-07-02: What are the Palestinians fighting for?

10-06-02: Amnon Lord: Trans-nationalism

09-28-02: New Republic: Al Gore's speech

09-20-02: Glick: Averting strategic disaster with Iraq

09-12-02: Safire: Split in Saudi royal family

09-09-02: John Leo: Americans too tolerant?

09-09-02: JPost: Making the case for war

09-05-02: Easterbrook: Still Guzzling

09-05-02: Peretz: Son Shine

09-02-02: CNN.com: Iraq has tons of chemical weapons

08-26-02: Zacharia: Why Saddam doesn't need missiles

08-28-02: Pipes and Hedegaard: Something rotten in Denmark?

09-09-02: Rubin: Will Saddam's troops fight?

09-30-02: Duelfer: Hesitation makes the problem worse

09-02-02: Fareed Zakaria: Pulling trigger on Iraq

08-27-02: Levin: MSNBC Follies

08-26-02: Hayes: Saddam's arsenal

08-26-02: Cheney makes case for action against Saddam

08-25-02: Weinberg: The EU and the PA

08-25-02: Mark Steyn: First, we take Baghdad...

08-24-02: Zuckerman: Saddam: Armed, crazy and dangerous

08-22-02: Yehuda Avner: A Diaspora Diplomat

08-20-02: Pipes & Schanzer: Pre-empt against Saddam

08-18-02: J.Post: Don't wait for Saddam

08-17-02: Singer: Thinking out of the box

08-16-02: Glick: Wall of deception

08-09-02: Clawson: The Palestinians' lost Marshall Plan

08-12-02: Levin: BBC World Disservice

08-06-02: Pipes: Israel is winning

08-10-02: Glick: The road to irredentism

08-01-02: Hanson: Our enemies, the Saudis

08-08-02: Saudis as enemies of US

08-05-02: Glick: A piece of empty propaganda

08-05-02: Danzig: Thinking like a loser

08-02-02: Rosenthal: Appease Iraq and pay the price

07-31-02: Weisburd: Fighting the online Intifada

07-29-02: Andrea Levin: When editing is censoring at the NYT

07-28-02: Ratnesar: Do we still need the Saudis?

07-26-02: Reuven Korets: With heavy hands and hardened hearts

07-24-02: John Podhoretz: Hamas kills its own

07-18-02: A.B. Yehoshua: For a Jewish border

07-18-02: Caroline Glick: No say in our future

07-18-02: Ruth Wisse: From Oslo to Ground Zero

07-18-02: Bret Stephens: Sympathy for the Devil

07-08-02: Douglass Davis: Europe Undermining War on Terrorism

07-05-02: David Weinberg: Following the Euro trail

07-04-02: Caroline Glick: Providential Friendship

07-04-02: Bret Stephens: Fear and Loathing at 'The Economist'

06-24-02: Andrea Levin: Hedging the Truth

06-22-02: Toby Klein Greenwald: CNN's chain of bias

06-20-02: van der Hoeven: Sound the alarm

06-18-02: Max Singer: Controversy over Ahmed Chalabi

06-17-02: Safire: Powell's Trial Balloon

06-14-02: Amnon Lord: No peace without law

06-13-02: Caroline Glick: Verdict 'guilty', trial to follow

06-13-02: Bret Stephens: A Pen in defense of Zion

06-13-02: Yossi Alpher: For physical and demographic security

06-13-02: Sol Liebgott: Nattering Norwegians

06-13-02: Hillel Halkin: Why the settlements should stay

06-13-02: Uri Dan: Friendly Summit

06-10-02: Michael Rubin: Engaged to Terror

06-10-02: Reuel Marc Gerecht: Hardly Intelligent: How CIA unintentionally aids terrorism

06-07-02: Caroline Glick: Pakistan's thirst for martydom

06-06-02: Bret Stephens: What's wrong with Israel's hasbara?

05-22-02: Bennett, Kemp, Kirkpatrick: Twenty facts about Israel and the Middle East

05-22-02: Zev Chafets: Prez's job: to face the truth

05-15-02: Andrea Levin: Plus ca change

05-15-02: Zev Chafets: Netanyahu gives Israel grief again

05-09-02: Max Singer: Free the eastern province of Saudi Arabia

05-09-02: Ron Dermer: Appeasement, not anti-Semitism

05-06-02: Shlomo Avineri: Ambassador of Death

05-02-02: Gutman: Burying the truth at Jenin

05-02-02: George Will: Anti-semitism's Boom

04-30-02: Daniel Pipes: Are we safer?

04-26-02: Alan Keyes: With the brave people of Israel

04-17-02: Fallaci: On Jew-hatred in Europe

04-24-02: Storm over Peres Center's gift to Terje Larsen

04-23-02: John McCain: There will always be an Israel

04-23-02: John Leo: Middle East reporting flunks fairness test

04-22-02: William Safire: The Democrats vs. Israel

04-22-02: Niall Lochery: Blair and Israel

04-22-02: Yehuda Blum: Israel will weather Jenin inquiry

04-22-02: Jerusalem Post: International Hypocrisy on Jenin

04-21-02: Ed Koch: What will it take?

04-19-02: Caroline Glick: A Light Unto the Nations

04-19-02: Bret Stephens: The Return of Vichyism

04-19-02: 54 Ways You Can Help Israel

04-16-02: Evelyn Gordon: Israeli Arab Extremism

04-22-02: Fuad Ajami: The Crowd's Distraction

04-15-02: Mortimer Zuckerman: Israel's Righteous Fight

04-22-02: Michael Barone: Our Vichy Gamble

04-14-02: Nagi Najjar: Carry on, PM Sharon

04-14-02: Jerusalem Post: Abolish UNRWA

04-15-02: Daniel Pipes: Make the Saudis pay for terrorism

04-11-02: Krauthammer: Hezbollah's past maps grim Mideast future

04-09-02: Shlomo Avineri: American Jews not visiting in crisis

04-08-02: Reuven Koret: The hard truth about Tom Friedman

04-08-02: Menachem Rosensaft: Why Doves back Israel

04-07-02: Saul Singer: Bernard Lewis on Domino Democracy

04-07-02: Chafets: What Israel will do next

04-07-02: Krauthammer: The Fruits of Hatred

04-04-02: Friedman and Bell: Annan and the laws of war

03-21-02: Amotz Asa-El: The Jewish Neurosis

03-18-02: Andrea Levin: More Times Tomfoolery

03-17-02: Zev Chafets: War effort could use a boost

03-17-02: David M. Weinberg: Make the PA pay

03-17-02: Michael Rubin: Immoral equivalency

03-15-02: Boaz Ganor: Where do we go from here?

03-14-02: Daniel Doron: Addicted to Illusion

03-13-02: Barry Rubin: BBC vs. Reality

03-12-02: Evelyn Gordon: Powell was right

03-07-02: Krauthammer: Saudi 'peace' plan, just a ploy

03-05-02: A Kristol-clear perspective

03-04-02: Yosef Goell: An Iraqi Solution

03-04-02: Efraim Inbar: Go East. Strengthen relations with Asia

03-01-02: Shlomo Riskin: Trust

02-24-02: David M. Weinberg

02-12-02: Stan Goodenough: Why I refused to serve

02-18-02: Czech PM: You can't talk to terrorists

02-18-02: Goell: Suckered by Arafat

02-04-02: Condeleeza Rice: Arafat's vision in article 'not helpful'

01-24-02: Wein: The Jewish death wish

01-17-02: Doron: Well, well, we belong here after all!

01-06-02: Krauthammer: American military trumps religious zeal

??-??-??: NY Post on Israeli seizure of PLO ship in Aqaba

12-25-01: Gordon: EU stands by the PA

12-20-01: Admiral Woolsey: The spymaster's prescription

12-20-01: Uri Dan: Brazen anti-semitism in France and Belgium

12-17-01: Shmuel Katz: Get the word out

12-16-01: Tal: From General Grant to General Zinni

12-14-01: Chafetz: Losing Arafat would suit Sharon fine

12-05-01: Rubin: Let's sing the PC song

??-??-??: Pipes and Schanzer: On to Baghdad? Yes, Risks are Overrated

11-28-01: Pipes: Imam Bush?

??-??-??: Will: Confidence Man

11-25-01: Krauthammer: Where's fatwa for Bin Ladin?

11-16-01: Wistrich: The new Islamic Fascism

11-14-01: Chafets: Other Islamic dictators will fold like Taliban

11-04-01: Ottolenghi: Hold your nose and vote Likud

??-??-??: Honest Reporting on Hedges article in Harper's Magazine

??-??-??: Malanga: The next WTC

10-28-01: Chafetz: Hearing from the Arab street

10-27-01: Frank Rich: How to lose a war

10-25-01: Doron: Selling the rope

10-25-01: Bialkin: Assaulting the truth

10-24-01: Rubenstein: After 9-11

10-23-01: Johnson (Daily Telegraph): Unholy Alliances

10-21-01: Banerjee: The high, hidden cost of Saudi Arabian oil

10-11-01: Rosenbloom: Think again: the rationalist fallacy

10-11-01: Jpost: Mark of Disdain (about election of Syria to Security Council)

10-10-01: O'Sullivan: Journalists protest PA interference at anti-US rallys

10-05-01: Friedman: Yes, but What?

10-05-01: Etzioni: Sorry, it's a new Cold War

10-02-01: Luttwak: New fears, new alliances

09-30-01: Chafetz: Islamic states fail the people

09-30-01: Evans: America the target

09-30-01: Ben-David: Quash the PLO, not the PA

09-28-01: Rubin: Don't fight the last war

09-28-01: Chafetz: Beware the wolves among us

09-26-01: Rubin: The Region: Suicidal Politics

09-26-01: Andrea Levin: Is American support for Israel to blame?

09-27-01: Chafetz: Defiant Islamic Axis Forming

??-??-??: Leo: Muslims must rethink "charities"

09-26-01: Chafets: How the Israelis are helping US fight terror war

??-??-??: Podhoretz: Our Allies art

09-25-01: Gordon: Against Israel, terrorism is kosher

09-25-01: Keinon: Press group protests PA's taking footage

??-??-??: Krauthammer: 'Blame America' gang should pipe down

09-24-01: Safire: The Ultimate Enemy

09-20-01: Safire: Equal time for Hitler

09-17-01: Safire: Of human missiles

09-13-01: Safire: Inside the Bunker

09-20-01: Dvorak: The web of terror

09-20-01: Chafets: Goal is beating enemy, not building coalitions

09-17-01: Chafets: It's really war against the Islamic Axis

09-17-01: Goell: Fundamentalist Islam is guilty

09-16-01: Barry Rubin: The fight of their lives

09-13-01: Amotz Asa-El: A Time to Kill

09-15-01: Frank Rich: Before Tuesday

09-16-01: History of Ashkenazim in Turkey

08-21-01: Zionist incompetence

08-19-01: A culture of hate

08-09-01: Rubin: The Region: Hear no (Arab) evil, see no (Arab) evil

08-09-01: Motro: A permanent disability of the nerves

08-08-01: Pipes: Shakespeare with Shari'a

08-01-01: Pipes: Sontag's off-key ode to Oslo

07-30-01: Camp David Revisionists

07-25-01: Barry Rubin: The Region: Let's Pretend

07-23-01: Martin Peretz: Apologies

07-18-01: THE REGION: So who is to Blame?

07-19-01: Daniel Doron: An open letter to Robinson and Keane

07-19=01: Carl Alpert: Things I don't understand

07-12-01: Alex Safian: The real story on Israel

07-18-01: Daniel Pipes: Preventing War, Israel's options

07-12-01: Jonathan Rosenblum: Think Again: Was the EU bilked?

07-16-01: Eliyahu Tal, "Why is the BBC angry?"

07-15-01: Emanuele Ottolenghi, "The 'Kapara' Syndrome"

07-15-01: Andrea Levin, "Ha-aretz: the lie of the land"

11-05-01: Zalman Shoval, "The day Peace Now died"

11-09-01: Daniel Doron, The Media's Propaganda War

11-19-01: Barbara Ammiel

01-02-01: Barry Rubin

URL: http://www.geocities.com/TransIsrael